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File Info

Rev. 2bf85c03c1e059a2f75dbd48ef73be5961e12414
Tamanho 27,398 bytes
Hora 2011-09-01 13:44:19
Autor hylom
Mensagem de Log

initial commit from 1.97b zip archive


// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by FFFTP-eng.rc
#define DELETE_ALL                      3
#define DELETE_NO                       4
#define EXIST_ALL                       4
#define IDHELP2                         10
#define ftpcon                          101
#define ffftp                           101
#define main_menu                       102
#define main_toolbar_bmp                103
#define about_dlg                       104
#define remote_toolbar_bmp              104
#define drag_csr                        105
#define nodrop_csr                      106
#define dummy_menu                      107
#define dirattr_bmp                     109
#define transfer_dlg                    109
#define rename_dlg                      110
#define hlist_bmp                       110
#define delete_dlg                      111
#define hostlist_dlg                    112
#define hostset_dlg                     113
#define hset_main_dlg                   113
#define FILEOPENORD_1                   114
#define resize_lr_csr                   115
#define IDD_DIALOG1                     115
#define user_dlg                        115
#define opt_user_dlg                    115
#define resize_ud_csr                   116
#define tool_dlg                        116
#define opt_tool_dlg                    116
#define permit_dlg                      117
#define chmod_dlg                       117
#define sort_dlg                        118
#define trmode_dlg                      119
#define mkdir_dlg                       120
#define opt_misc_dlg                    121
#define hostname_dlg                    122
#define passwd_dlg                      123
#define username_dlg                    124
#define chdir_dlg                       125
#define exit_dlg                        126
#define exist_dlg                       127
#define down_exist_dlg                  127
#define opt_trmode_dlg                  128
#define opt_trmode2_dlg                 128
#define opt_notify_dlg                  129
#define bmark_dlg                       130
#define opt_fire_dlg                    131
#define ffftp_accel                     131
#define hset_adv_dlg                    132
#define diskfull_dlg                    133
#define find_dlg                        134
#define mailadrs_dlg                    135
#define opt_sound_dlg                   136
#define downerr_dlg                     137
#define uperr_dlg                       138
#define hset_code_dlg                   139
#define opt_trmode_dlg1                 140
#define opt_trmode1_dlg                 140
#define exist_dlg1                      141
#define up_exist_dlg                    142
#define reginit_dlg                     143
#define hostconnect_dlg                 144
#define updown_as_dlg                   145
#define re_passwd_dlg                   146
#define savepass_dlg                    147
#define sel_local_dlg                   148
#define sel_remote_dlg                  149
#define mirror_up_dlg                   150
#define account_dlg                     151
#define opt_mirror_dlg                  152
#define somecmd_dlg                     153
#define downname_dlg                    154
#define opt_connect_dlg                 155
#define rasnotify_dlg                   156
#define filesize_dlg                    157
#define filesize_notify_dlg             158
#define hset_adv2_dlg                   159
#define cwderr_dlg                      160
#define opt_trmode3_dlg                 161
#define def_attr_dlg                    162
#define fname_in_dlg                    163
#define otp_notify_dlg                  164
#define otp_calc_dlg                    165
#define mirror_notify_dlg               166
#define notify                          166
#define mirrordown_notify_dlg           167
#define mirror_down_dlg                 168
#define chdir_br_dlg                    169
#define filter_dlg                      170
#define group_dlg                       172
#define hostdel_dlg                     173
#define groupdel_dlg                    174
#define noresume_dlg                    175
#define forcerename_dlg                 176
#define hset_dialup_dlg                 177
#define rasreconnect_dlg                178
#define dial_dlg                        179
#define dial_password_dlg               180
#define opt_disp_dlg                    181
#define bmark_edit_dlg                  182
#define opt_tool_dlg1                   183
#define IDD_OLEDRAG                     184
#define move_notify_dlg                 185
#define forcepasschange_dlg             186
#define newmasterpasswd_dlg             187
#define masterpasswd_dlg                188
#define TRANS_TIME_BAR                  1002
#define TRANS_TEXT                      1003
#define TRANS_REMOTE                    1003
#define HSET_HOST                       1004
#define USER_ADRS                       1004
#define TOOL_EDITOR                     1004
#define INP_INPSTR                      1004
#define TRANS_LOCAL                     1004
#define TRMODE_EXT                      1004
#define EXIST_NAME                      1004
#define FIRE_HOST                       1004
#define MISC_BUFNUM                     1004
#define TOOL_EDITOR1                    1004
#define TRANS_FILE                      1005
#define IDC_EDIT2                       1005
#define HSET_ADRS                       1005
#define FIRE_USER                       1005
#define TOOL_EDITOR2                    1005
#define MIRROR_NODEL                    1005
#define DEFATTR_ATTR                    1005
#define OTPCALC_PASS                    1005
#define RASPASS_PASS                    1005
#define RENAME_TEXT                     1006
#define IDC_EDIT3                       1006
#define HSET_USER                       1006
#define TRANS_STATUS                    1006
#define FIRE_PASS                       1006
#define TOOL_EDITOR3                    1006
#define OTPCALC_RES                     1006
#define RENAME_NEW                      1007
#define IDC_EDIT4                       1007
#define HSET_PASS                       1007
#define FIRE_PORT                       1007
#define DELETE_TEXT                     1008
#define FIRE_DELIMIT                    1008
#define IDC_EDIT5                       1009
#define HSET_LOCAL                      1009
#define IDC_EDIT6                       1010
#define HSET_REMOTE                     1010
#define IDC_CHECK1                      1011
#define HSET_ANONYMOUS                  1011
#define PERM_O_READ                     1011
#define SORT_LFILE_REV                  1011
#define MISC_CONNECT                    1011
#define INP_ANONYMOUS                   1011
#define TRMODE_TIME                     1011
#define FIRE_USEIT                      1011
#define SOUND_CONOK                     1011
#define SOUND_CONNECT                   1011
#define HSET_HANCNV                     1011
#define MIRROR_LOW                      1011
#define CONNECT_CONNECT                 1011
#define FSNOTIFY_SEL_ONLY               1011
#define HSET_SYNCMOVE                   1011
#define HSET_FULLPATH                   1011
#define QHOST_FWALL                     1011
#define HSET_DIALUP                     1011
#define DISP_HIDE                       1011
#define IDC_CHECK2                      1012
#define PERM_O_WRITE                    1012
#define SORT_LDIR_REV                   1012
#define MISC_DEBUG                      1012
#define HSET_PASV                       1012
#define HSET_LASTDIR                    1012
#define TRMODE_EOF                      1012
#define SEL_NOOLD                       1012
#define MIRROR_LOW_FOLDER               1012
#define HSET_NLST_R                     1012
#define HSET_FN_HANCNV                  1012
#define CONNECT_HIST_PASS               1012
#define FIRE_PASV                       1012
#define QHOST_PASV                      1012
#define HSET_DIALUSETHIS                1012
#define MIRROR_UPDEL_NOTIFY             1012
#define TRMODE3_FOLDER                  1012
#define DISP_DRIVE                      1012
#define MENU_LOCAL_BR                   1013
#define HSET_LOCAL_BR                   1013
#define PERM_G_READ                     1013
#define SORT_RFILE_REV                  1013
#define HSET_LISTCMD                    1013
#define SOUND_CONNG                     1013
#define SOUND_TRANS                     1013
#define MISC_OLDDLG                     1013
#define SEL_NONEW                       1013
#define CONNECT_OLDDLG                  1013
#define TRMODE_SEMICOLON                1013
#define FIRE_RESOLV                     1013
#define HSET_DIALNOTIFY                 1013
#define MIRROR_DOWNDEL_NOTIFY           1013
#define OPT1_EDITOR_BR                  1014
#define PERM_G_WRITE                    1014
#define SORT_RDIR_REV                   1014
#define HSET_REMOTE_CUR                 1014
#define SOUND_TRNOK                     1014
#define SOUND_ERROR                     1014
#define MISC_REGTYPE                    1014
#define CONNECT_RASCLOSE                1014
#define FIRE_LOWER                      1014
#define MIRROR_TIMECHECK                1014
#define TOOL_EDITOR_BR                  1015
#define PERM_A_READ                     1015
#define SOUND_TRNNG                     1015
#define TOOL_EDITOR1_BR                 1015
#define CONNECT_CLOSE_NOTIFY            1015
#define PERM_O_EXEC                     1016
#define TOOL_EDITOR2_BR                 1016
#define CONNECT_QUICK_ANONY             1016
#define PERM_G_EXEC                     1017
#define TOOL_EDITOR3_BR                 1017
#define CONNECT_SENDQUIT                1017
#define PERM_A_WRITE                    1018
#define CONNECT_NORAS                   1018
#define PERM_A_EXEC                     1019
#define PERM_TEXT                       1020
#define PERM_NOW                        1021
#define SORT_LFILE_FILE                 1022
#define SORT_LFILE_NAME                 1022
#define SORT_LFILE_EXT                  1023
#define SORT_LFILE_SIZE                 1024
#define SORT_LFILE_DATE                 1025
#define SORT_RFILE_FILE                 1026
#define SORT_RFILE_NAME                 1026
#define SORT_RFILE_EXT                  1027
#define SORT_RFILE_SIZE                 1028
#define SORT_RFILE_DATE                 1029
#define SORT_LDIR_NAME                  1030
#define TRMODE_BIN                      1031
#define SORT_LDIR_DATE                  1031
#define TRMODE_ASCII                    1032
#define SORT_RDIR_NAME                  1032
#define RENAME_STOP                     1033
#define TRMODE_AUTO                     1033
#define SORT_RDIR_DATE                  1033
#define MKDIR_NEW                       1034
#define MISC_WINPOS                     1035
#define psh15                           0x040e
#define TRANS_STOP_ALL                  1038
#define TRANS_STOP_NEXT                 1039
#define chx1                            0x0410
#define NOTIFY_D_DLG                    1043
#define NOTIFY_D_OVW                    1044
#define NOTIFY_U_OVW                    1045
#define NOTIFY_U_UNIQ                   1046
#define NOTIFY_U_DLG                    1046
#define EXIST_CONT                      1047
#define NOTIFY_M_NODLG                  1047
#define NOTIFY_M_DLG                    1048
#define NOTIFY_M_DISABLE                1049
#define BMARK_LIST                      1051
#define BMARK_DEL                       1052
#define BMARK_JUMP                      1053
#define BMARK_UP                        1054
#define BMARK_DOWN                      1055
#define BMARK_NEW                       1056
#define CONNECT_HIST                    1056
#define BMARK_SET                       1057
#define CONNECT_HIST_SPN                1057
#define HSET_JIS_CNV                    1058
#define HSET_EUC_CNV                    1059
#define HSET_NO_CNV                     1060
#define HSET_FIREWAL                    1061
#define HSET_FIREWALL                   1061
#define FIRE_TYPE1                      1062
#define HSET_FN_NO_CNV                  1062
#define FIRE_TYPE4                      1063
#define HSET_FN_JIS_CNV                 1063
#define FIRE_TYPE3                      1064
#define HSET_FN_EUC_CNV                 1064
#define FIRE_TYPE2                      1065
#define HSET_FN_SMB_CNV                 1065
#define HSET_FN_SMH_CNV                 1065
#define HSET_FN_UTF8N_CNV               1066
#define MISC_BUFNUM_SPIN                1067
#define HSET_FN_SMC_CNV                 1067
#define MISC_CACHE                      1068
#define MISC_CACHE_SAVE                 1070
#define TRANS_MODE                      1071
#define TRANS_KANJI                     1072
#define HSET_FN_SMB_TAG                 1073
#define DISP_FONT                       1073
#define TRMODE_LOCAL                    1074
#define TRMODE2_LOCAL                   1074
#define DISP_FONT_BR                    1074
#define TRMODE_LOCAL_BR                 1076
#define TRMODE2_LOCAL_BR                1076
#define ABOUT_JRE                       1077
#define HSET_PORT                       1078
#define NOTIFY_OPEN                     1079
#define NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD                 1080
#define SOUND_CONOK_WAV                 1081
#define SOUND_CONNECT_WAV               1081
#define SOUND_CONNG_WAV                 1082
#define SOUND_TRANS_WAV                 1082
#define SOUND_TRNOK_WAV                 1083
#define SOUND_ERROR_WAV                 1083
#define SOUND_TRNNG_WAV                 1084
#define SOUND_CONOK_BR                  1085
#define SOUND_CONNECT_BR                1085
#define SOUND_CONNG_BR                  1086
#define SOUND_TRANS_BR                  1086
#define SOUND_TRNOK_BR                  1087
#define SOUND_ERROR_BR                  1087
#define stc1                            0x0440
#define SOUND_TRNNG_BR                  1088
#define stc2                            0x0441
#define SOUND_CONOK_TEST                1089
#define SOUND_CONNECT_TEST              1089
#define stc3                            0x0442
#define SOUND_CONNG_TEST                1090
#define SOUND_TRANS_TEST                1090
#define stc4                            0x0443
#define SOUND_TRNOK_TEST                1091
#define SOUND_ERROR_TEST                1091
#define HSET_CHMOD_CMD                  1091
#define SOUND_TRNNG_TEST                1092
#define HSET_CHMOD_NOR                  1092
#define HSET_PORT_NOR                   1093
#define TRMODE_EXT_LIST                 1093
#define TRMODE_ADD                      1094
#define HSET_LS_FNAME_NOR               1094
#define TRMODE_DEL                      1095
#define TRMODE2_LOWER                   1096
#define MIRROR_NODEL_LIST               1096
#define TRMODE2_NOCNV                   1097
#define DOWN_EXIST_OVW                  1097
#define MIRROR_NODEL_ADD                1097
#define TRMODE2_UPPER                   1098
#define DOWN_EXIST_RESUME               1098
#define MIRROR_NODEL_DEL                1098
#define DOWN_EXIST_IGNORE               1099
#define DOWN_EXIST_NEW                  1100
#define DOWN_EXIST_NAME                 1101
#define IDOK_ALL                        1102
#define UP_EXIST_NAME                   1103
#define UP_EXIST_OVW                    1104
#define UP_EXIST_NEW                    1105
#define UP_EXIST_UNIQUE                 1106
#define UP_EXIST_IGNORE                 1107
#define HSET_TIMEZONE                   1109
#define TRMODE2_TIMEOUT                 1110
#define TRMODE2_TIMEOUT_SPN             1112
#define UPDOWNAS_TEXT                   1113
#define UPDOWNAS_NEW                    1114
#define UPDOWNAS_STOP                   1115
#define SEL_FNAME                       1117
#define SEL_REGEXP                      1118
#define SEL_NOEXIST                     1119
#define lst1                            0x0460
#define lst2                            0x0461
#define HSET_ACCOUNT                    1122
#define MIRROR_NOTRN                    1123
#define HSET_INITCMD                    1123
#define MIRROR_NOTRN_LIST               1124
#define MIRROR_NOTRN_ADD                1125
#define MIRROR_NOTRN_DEL                1126
#define HSET_LS_FNAME                   1128
#define HSET_HOSTTYPE                   1129
#define FSIZE_SIZE                      1130
#define FSIZE_TITLE                     1131
#define QHOST_PASS                      1133
#define QHOST_USER                      1134
#define QHOST_HOST                      1135
#define cmb1                            0x0470
#define FIRE_TYPE                       1136
#define cmb2                            0x0471
#define TRMODE3_LIST                    1137
#define TRMODE3_ADD                     1138
#define TRMODE3_DEL                     1139
#define DEFATTR_FNAME                   1140
#define DEFATTR_ATTR_BR                 1144
#define SORT_SAVEHOST                   1145
#define UPDOWN_ERR_FNAME                1146
#define MISC_CACHEDIR                   1147
#define MISC_CACHEDIR_BR                1148
#define MISC_CACHEDIR_DEF               1149
#define HSET_SECURITY                   1150
#define edt1                            0x0480
#define OTPCALC_KEY                     1153
#define OTPCALC_MD4                     1154
#define OTPCALC_MD5                     1155
#define OTPCALC_SHA1                    1156
#define MIRROR_LIST                     1157
#define MIRROR_DEL                      1158
#define MIRRORUP_DISP                   1161
#define INP_BROUSE                      1163
#define INP_BROWSE                      1163
#define FILTER_NOR                      1166
#define FILTER_STR                      1167
#define RESUME_CANCEL_ALL               1171
#define UP_EXIST_RESUME                 1172
#define FIRE_SECURITY                   1174
#define HSET_DIALENTRY                  1175
#define DIAL_STATUS                     1176
#define RASPASS_USER                    1177
#define BEDIT_LOCAL                     1178
#define BEDIT_REMOTE                    1179
#define MIRROR_COPYNUM                  1180
#define MIRROR_MAKENUM                  1181
#define MIRROR_DELNUM                   1182
#define BMARK_SIZEGRIP                  1182
#define MIRROR_SIZEGRIP                 1183
#define UPDOWN_ERR_MSG                  1185
#define TRMODE3_FOLDER_ATTR             1186
#define ABOUT_URL                       1187
#define IDC_EDIT1                       1191
#define COMMON_TEXT                     1194
#define MENU_END                        40001
#define MENU_EXIT                       40001
#define MENU_CONNECT                    40003
#define MENU_DISCONNECT                 40004
#define MENU_REMOTE_UPDIR               40005
#define MENU_LOCAL_UPDIR                40006
#define COMBO_LOCAL                     40007
#define COMBO_REMOTE                    40008
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD                   40009
#define MENU_UPLOAD                     40010
#define MENU_DELETE                     40011
#define MENU_RENAME                     40012
#define MENU_MKDIR                      40013
#define MENU_ENV                        40014
#define MENU_USER                       40014
#define MENU_OPTION                     40014
#define HOST_LIST                       40015
#define MENU_ABOUT                      40015
#define HOST_SET                        40016
#define MENU_TOOL                       40016
#define HOST_NEW                        40017
#define MENU_TEXT                       40017
#define HOST_DEL                        40018
#define MENU_BINARY                     40018
#define HOST_HELP                       40019
#define MENU_FONT                       40019
#define HOST_FOLDER                     40019
#define HOST_UP                         40020
#define MENU_SNAME                      40020
#define HOST_DOWN                       40021
#define MENU_SEXT                       40021
#define HOST_COPY                       40022
#define MENU_SSIZE                      40022
#define MENU_SDATE                      40023
#define MENU_ASCENT                     40025
#define MENU_DESCENT                    40026
#define REFRESH_LOCAL                   40027
#define REFRESH_REMOTE                  40028
#define MENU_SORT                       40029
#define MENU_TRMODE                     40030
#define MENU_REFRESH                    40031
#define MENU_CHMOD                      40033
#define MENU_QUICK                      40034
#define MENU_REMOTE_CHDIR               40035
#define MENU_LOCAL_CHDIR                40036
#define MENU_AUTO                       40037
#define MENU_LIST                       40038
#define MENU_REPORT                     40039
#define MENU_HELP                       40040
#define MENU_BMARK_ADD                  40041
#define MENU_BMARK_EDIT                 40042
#define MENU_KNJ_EUC                    40043
#define MENU_KNJ_JIS                    40044
#define MENU_KNJ_NONE                   40045
#define MENU_UPDIR                      40046
#define MENU_DCLICK                     40047
#define MENU_SELECT                     40049
#define MENU_SELECT_ALL                 40050
#define MENU_FIND                       40051
#define MENU_FINDNEXT                   40052
#define MENU_DOTFILE                    40054
#define MENU_IMPORT_WS                  40056
#define ID_BUTTON40058                  40058
#define ID_BUTTON40059                  40059
#define ID_BUTTON40060                  40060
#define ID_BUTTON40061                  40061
#define ID_BUTTON40062                  40062
#define ID_BUTTON40063                  40063
#define ID_BUTTON40064                  40064
#define ID_BUTTON40065                  40065
#define ID_BUTTON40066                  40066
#define ID_BUTTON40067                  40067
#define ID_BUTTON40068                  40068
#define ID_BUTTON40069                  40069
#define ID_BUTTON40070                  40070
#define ID_BUTTON40071                  40071
#define ID_BUTTON40072                  40072
#define ID_BUTTON40073                  40073
#define ID_BUTTON40074                  40074
#define ID_BUTTON40075                  40075
#define ID_BUTTON40076                  40076
#define ID_BUTTON40077                  40077
#define ID_BUTTON40078                  40078
#define ID_BUTTON40079                  40079
#define ID_BUTTON40080                  40080
#define ID_BUTTON40081                  40081
#define ID_BUTTON40082                  40082
#define ID_BUTTON40083                  40083
#define ID_BUTTON40084                  40084
#define ID_BUTTON40085                  40085
#define ID_BUTTON40086                  40086
#define ID_BUTTON40087                  40087
#define ID_BUTTON40088                  40088
#define ID_BUTTON40089                  40089
#define ID_BUTTON40090                  40090
#define ID_BUTTON40091                  40091
#define ID_BUTTON40092                  40092
#define ID_BUTTON40093                  40093
#define ID_BUTTON40094                  40094
#define ID_BUTTON40095                  40095
#define ID_BUTTON40096                  40096
#define ID_BUTTON40097                  40097
#define ID_BUTTON40098                  40098
#define ID_BUTTON40099                  40099
#define ID_BUTTON40100                  40100
#define ID_BUTTON40101                  40101
#define ID_BUTTON40102                  40102
#define ID_BUTTON40103                  40103
#define ID_BUTTON40104                  40104
#define ID_BUTTON40105                  40105
#define ID_BUTTON40106                  40106
#define ID_BUTTON40107                  40107
#define ID_BUTTON40108                  40108
#define ID_BUTTON40109                  40109
#define MENU_KANACNV                    40110
#define MENU_OPEN1                      40111
#define MENU_OPEN2                      40112
#define MENU_OPEN3                      40113
#define MENU_REGINIT                    40114
#define MENU_DIRINFO                    40115
#define MENU_SET_CONNECT                40116
#define MENU_TASKINFO                   40117
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD_AS                40118
#define MENU_UPLOAD_AS                  40119
#define ID_BUTTON40122                  40122
#define MENU_MIRROR_UPLOAD              40123
#define ID_BUTTON40125                  40125
#define MENU_SYNC                       40126
#define MENU_SOMECMD                    40127
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD_NAME              40128
#define MENU_FILESIZE                   40130
#define MENU_CONNECT_NUM                40131
#define MENU_HIST_1                     40132
#define MENU_HIST_2                     40133
#define MENU_HIST_3                     40134
#define MENU_HIST_4                     40135
#define MENU_HIST_5                     40136
#define MENU_HIST_6                     40137
#define MENU_HIST_7                     40138
#define MENU_HIST_8                     40139
#define MENU_HIST_9                     40140
#define MENU_HIST_10                    40141
#define MENU_HIST_11                    40142
#define MENU_HIST_12                    40143
#define MENU_HIST_13                    40144
#define MENU_HIST_14                    40145
#define MENU_HIST_15                    40146
#define MENU_HIST_16                    40147
#define MENU_HIST_17                    40148
#define MENU_HIST_18                    40149
#define MENU_HIST_19                    40150
#define MENU_HIST_20                    40151
#define MENU_AUTO_EXIT                  40152
#define MENU_HELP_TROUBLE               40153
#define MENU_ABORT                      40154
#define ID_BUTTON40156                  40156
#define MENU_OTPCALC                    40157
#define MENU_MIRROR_DOWNLOAD            40158
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD_AS_FILE           40159
#define MENU_URL_COPY                   40160
#define MENU_BMARK_ADD_LOCAL            40161
#define MENU_FILTER                     40162
#define MENU_DOWNLOAD_ALL               40163
#define MENU_UPLOAD_ALL                 40164
#define MENU_BMARK_ADD_BOTH             40165
#define MENU_APPKEY                     40168
#define MENU_REGSAVE                    40169
#define MENU_REGLOAD                    40170
#define MENU_XFRMODE                    40171
#define MENU_CHANGEPASSWD               40172
#define FSNOTIFY_TITLE                  65535
#define HOST_SIZEGRIP                   65535

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        189
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40173
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1194
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101