Pastebin: QEMUの起動オプジョン

x86/legacy BIOS amd64/UEFI BIOS Windows

Post date
2019-07-29 19:03
Publication Period
  1. qemu-system-i386 \
  2. -enable-kvm \
  3. -boot c \
  4. -machine pc \
  5. -cpu qemu32 -smp 2 \
  6. -m 1GiB \
  7. -hda {{OS_IMAGE}}.qcow2 \
  8. -k ja.ctm \
  9. -vga std \
  10. -usb -usbdevice tablet \
  11. -net nic -net user \
  12. -monitor stdio
  13. qemu-system-x86_64 \
  14. -enable-kvm \
  15. -boot c \
  16. -machine q35 \
  17. -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd \
  18. -cpu qemu64 -smp 4 \
  19. -m 1GiB \
  20. -hda {{OS_IMAGE}}.qcow2 \
  21. -k ja.ctm \
  22. -vga std \
  23. -usb -usbdevice tablet \
  24. -net nic -net user \
  25. -monitor stdio
  26. qemu-system-x86_64 \
  27. -name '{{WINDOWS_VM_NAME}}' \
  28. -uuid '{{UUID}}' \ # /Envelope/DiskSection/Disk/@vbox:uuid
  29. -machine q35 \
  30. -bios OVMF.fd \
  31. -enable-kvm \
  32. -cpu qemu64 -smp 4 \
  33. -m 2GiB \
  34. -k ja \
  35. -vga qxl \
  36. -soundhw hda \
  37. -usb -usbdevice tablet \
  38. -netdev user,id=net1 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net1 \
  39. -drive file=~/share/qemu/img/{{WINDOWS_VM_FILE}}.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=virtio \
  40. -monitor stdio
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