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A Nix-friendly SQLite-enhanced fork of Flitter, a speedrunning split timer for Unix-style terminals

Commit MetaInfo

Revisão52844dd1ecaf4ce70b3aa6d51f11f43855269c16 (tree)
Hora2023-05-14 09:35:17
AutorCorbin <cds@corb...>

Mensagem de Log

Lift some constants.

Mudança Sumário


--- a/src/attempt.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1-(* An attempt, or "run", is a list of segments. It can be seen as an
2- association list from strings to relative durations. *)
3-type t = Split.t list
--- a/src/big.ml
+++ b/src/big.ml
@@ -1,52 +1,44 @@
11 open Core
22 open Notty
4-let big_font_map =
5- let font =
6- [
7- "00000111112222233333444445555566666777778888899999 !!::..";
8- ".^^. .| .^^. .^^. . | |^^^ .^^ ^^^| .^^. .^^. | ";
9- "| | | .^ .^ |..| |.. |.. ][ ^..^ ^..| | ^ ";
10- "| | | .^ . | | | | | | | | | ^ ^ ";
11- " ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ";
12- ]
13- in
15- let uchar_of_char =
16- let open Caml.Uchar in
17- function
18- | '[' -> of_int 0x258C
19- | ']' -> of_int 0x2590
20- | '|' -> of_int 0x2588
21- | '.' -> of_int 0x2584
22- | '^' -> of_int 0x2580
23- | ch -> of_char ch
24- in
26- let fst_line = List.hd_exn font in
28- let extract_char_at start_idx =
29- let ch = String.get fst_line start_idx in
30- let end_idx = String.rindex_exn fst_line ch + 1 in
31- let char_rows =
32- List.map (List.tl_exn font) ~f:(fun line ->
33- let row_str = String.(drop_prefix (prefix line end_idx) start_idx) in
34- let row_list = String.to_list row_str in
35- Array.of_list_map row_list ~f:uchar_of_char)
36- in
38- (char_rows, end_idx)
39- in
41- let rec map_chars_at map idx =
42- if idx >= String.length fst_line then map
43- else
44- let img, next_idx = extract_char_at idx in
45- let ch = String.get fst_line idx in
46- map_chars_at (Map.add_exn map ~key:ch ~data:img) next_idx
47- in
49- map_chars_at (Map.empty (module Char)) 0
4+let fst_line = "00000111112222233333444445555566666777778888899999 !!::.."
6+let font =
7+ [
8+ ".^^. .| .^^. .^^. . | |^^^ .^^ ^^^| .^^. .^^. | ";
9+ "| | | .^ .^ |..| |.. |.. ][ ^..^ ^..| | ^ ";
10+ "| | | .^ . | | | | | | | | | ^ ^ ";
11+ " ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ";
12+ ]
14+let uchar_of_char =
15+ let open Caml.Uchar in
16+ function
17+ | '[' -> of_int 0x258C
18+ | ']' -> of_int 0x2590
19+ | '|' -> of_int 0x2588
20+ | '.' -> of_int 0x2584
21+ | '^' -> of_int 0x2580
22+ | ch -> of_char ch
24+let extract_char_at start_idx =
25+ let ch = String.get fst_line start_idx in
26+ let end_idx = String.rindex_exn fst_line ch + 1 in
27+ let char_rows =
28+ List.map font ~f:(fun line ->
29+ let row_str = String.(drop_prefix (prefix line end_idx) start_idx) in
30+ let row_list = String.to_list row_str in
31+ Array.of_list_map row_list ~f:uchar_of_char)
32+ in (char_rows, end_idx)
34+let rec map_chars_at map idx =
35+ if idx >= String.length fst_line then map
36+ else
37+ let img, next_idx = extract_char_at idx in
38+ let ch = String.get fst_line idx in
39+ map_chars_at (Map.add_exn map ~key:ch ~data:img) next_idx
41+let big_font_map = map_chars_at (Map.empty (module Char)) 0
5143 let image_of_string attr str =
5244 List.map (String.to_list str) ~f:(fun ch ->
--- a/src/dune
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
33 (wrapped false)
44 (libraries core core_kernel core_unix sexplib sqlite3 lwt.unix notty notty.unix re color sexp_pretty)
55 (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_sexp_conv))
6- (modules_without_implementation timer_types split attempt history route)
6+ (modules_without_implementation timer_types route)
77 )
99 ; vim:ft=scheme
--- a/src/history.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
1-(* A history is a sequence of attempts. Relative to a history, some segments
2- are golden; a gold segment has the shortest relative duration compared to
3- any other attempt.
5- Since every attempt has the same titles, we can perform a struct-of-arrays
6- transformation, and a history is represented by an array of titles and a
7- matrix of relative durations. In order to efficiently know about golden
8- splits, we also have an array of indices which indicate which attempt
9- contains which gold.
11- The matrix is oriented so that each inner array represents a single attempt. *)
12-type t = {
13- titles : string array;
14- segments : Duration.t array array;
15- golds : int array;
--- a/src/split.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1-(* A split is a title and a duration. A split with relative duration is a
2- "segment", and a split with absolute duration is a "milestone". *)
3-type t = string * Duration.t