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Japanese translation of message catalog for Sawfish Window-Manager

Commit MetaInfo

Revisão4d8f66e4489f0926ff9d45d22f955a34f50fcb4d (tree)
Hora2014-08-20 04:13:42
AutorChristopher Roy Bratusek <nano@jpbe...>
CommiterChristopher Roy Bratusek

Mensagem de Log

ensure cabinet height does not exceed screen boundaries

Mudança Sumário


--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/cabinet.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/cabinet.jl
@@ -502,9 +502,11 @@
502502 (- (quotient (car (head-dimensions head)) 2)
503503 (quotient wx 2)))
504504 .
505- ,(+ (cdr (head-offset head))
506- (- (quotient (cdr (head-dimensions head)) 2)
507- (quotient wy 2))))
505+ ,(if (> (cdr win-size) (cdr (head-dimensions head)))
506+ '0
507+ (+ (cdr (head-offset head))
508+ (- (quotient (cdr (head-dimensions head)) 2)
509+ (quotient wy 2)))))
508510 win-size
509511 1
510512 `((background . ,cabinet:background))