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KVM host image creator.

Commit MetaInfo

Revisão4376dd8af2371da3ba4dfc3acfffbd1beaea947f (tree)
Hora2020-12-28 23:10:56
AutorTatsuki SUGIURA <sugi@osdn...>
CommiterTatsuki SUGIURA

Mensagem de Log

Add preparement for AWS env.

Mudança Sumário


--- a/create-image
+++ b/create-image
@@ -113,14 +113,107 @@ class ImageCreator
113113 end
114114 end
116+ def prepare_awsenv
117+ puts "Prepareing AWS cloud boot environment..."
118+ with_rootfs do |dir, devices|
119+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, *%w(sudo dpkg --remove td-agent smartmontools snmpd lm-sensors arrayprobe megacli megacli-check-change megaclisas megaclisas-status fancontrol))
121+ pkgs = %w(apt-transport-https locales-all ntp rsync python-apt git subversion less lv cloud-init tmux screen)
122+ if File.read("#{dir}/etc/debian_version").to_f >= 9.0
123+ pkgs << 'cloud-guest-utils'
124+ end
126+ system("chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-qy", "update")
127+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-y", "--allow-unauthenticated", "install", *pkgs)
129+ if File.exists? "#{dir}//var/spool/nullmailer/queue"
130+ puts "Remove nullmailer queue"
131+ system("chroot", dir, "find", "/var/spool/nullmailer/queue", "-type", "f", "-name", '[0-9]*.[0-9]*', "-delete")
132+ end
134+ unless system("chroot", dir, *%w(grep -rq cdn-aws.deb.debian.org /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d))
135+ puts "Rewrite apt sources list for AWS CDN"
136+ rel = `chroot #{dir} lsb_release -c -s`.chomp
137+ s = [
138+ "deb http://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian #{rel} main main contrib non-free",
139+ "deb http://cdn-aws.deb.debian.org/debian #{rel}-updates main main contrib non-free",
140+ ]
141+ if File.exists? "#{dir}/etc/apt/sources.list"
142+ s << File.read("#{dir}/etc/apt/sources.list")
143+ end
144+ File.write "#{dir}/etc/apt/sources.list", s.join("\n")
145+ end
147+ unless File.read("#{dir}/etc/ntp.conf").include? ""
148+ puts "Rewrite ntp.conf"
149+ c = File.read("#{dir}/etc/ntp.conf")
150+ c.gsub!(/^(pool|server) /) { "##{$1}" }
151+ c << "\nserver prefer iburst\n"
152+ File.write "#{dir}/etc/ntp.conf", c
153+ end
154+ end
155+ end
116157 def fix_boot
117158 puts "Fixing boot environments..."
159+ with_rootfs do |dir, devices|
160+ puts "Override grub with host version..."
161+ root_dev = "/dev/#{devices.first[/loop\d+/]}"
162+ rootfs_uuid = dirs.find { |d| d.path == '/'}.fs_uuid
163+ puts "New rootfs UUID=#{rootfs_uuid}"
165+ system "rm", "-f", "#{dir}/etc/systemd/system/udev.service", "#{dir}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service", "#{dir}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"
167+ puts "Rewrite fstab..."
168+ File.open "#{dir}/etc/fstab", "w" do |f|
169+ dirs.each_with_index do |di, idx|
170+ f << %W(UUID=#{di.fs_uuid} #{di.path} ext4 defaults,noatime 0 #{di.path == '/' ? 1 : 2}).join("\t")
171+ f << "\n"
172+ end
173+ end
175+ system("chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-qy", "update")
176+ if File.read("#{dir}/etc/debian_version").to_f >= 9.0
177+ # Note: 2019-10-08 時点で Debian9 のカーネルバージョンに対応していないので、エラー回避のために既存のカーネルを全て削除し、強制的に jessie のカーネルをイントールする
178+ system("rm", "-f", "#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-#{`uname -r`.chomp}.prerm")
179+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "remove", "--purge", "-y", "linux-image-*")
180+ system("wget", "-O", "#{dir}/tmp/linux.deb", "http://security-cdn.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/l/linux/linux-image-3.16.0-10-amd64_3.16.81-1_amd64.deb") or raise "Failed to get jessie kernel"
181+ system("chroot", dir, "dpkg", "-i", "/tmp/linux.deb")
182+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "install", "-f", "-y") or raise "Failed to install jessie kernel"
183+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "-y", "install", "isc-dhcp-client")
184+ else
185+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-y", "--allow-unauthenticated", "install", "linux-image-amd64", "isc-dhcp-client")
186+ end
188+ puts "Update grub..."
189+ if File.exists? "#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-efi-amd64.list"
190+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "remove", "--purge", "-y", "grub-efi-amd64") or raise "Failed to purge grub-efi"
191+ end
192+ if !File.exists?("#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.list") || !(File.exists?("#{dir}/usr/sbin/grub-bios-setup") || File.exists?("#{dir}/usr/sbin/grub-setup"))
193+ system("chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-qy", "update") or raise "Failed to install grub-pc"
194+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-y", "install", "grub-pc")
195+ end
196+ File.open "#{dir}/boot/grub/device.map", "w" do |f|
197+ f.puts "(hd0)\t#{root_dev}"
198+ end
199+ system("chroot", dir, "grub-mkconfig", "-o", "/boot/grub/grub.cfg") or raise "grub-mkconfig fails."
200+ system(*%W(grub-install --no-floppy --grub-mkdevicemap=#{dir}/boot/grub/device.map --root-directory=#{dir} #{root_dev})) or raise "grub-install failed."
202+ unless Array(run_cmds).empty?
203+ Array(run_cmds).each do |cmd|
204+ system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, *Array(cmd)) or raise "Failed to execute command (#{cmd}): #{$!}"
205+ end
206+ end
208+ cfg = File.read "#{dir}/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
209+ cfg.gsub! %r{mapper/loop\d+p}, "sda"
210+ File.write "#{dir}/boot/grub/grub.cfg", cfg
211+ end
212+ end
214+ def with_rootfs(&block)
118215 Dir.mktmpdir("ci-#{$$}-#{name}") do |dir|
119216 with_loopdev do |devices|
120- puts "Override grub with host version..."
121- root_dev = "/dev/#{devices.first[/loop\d+/]}"
122- rootfs_uuid = dirs.find { |d| d.path == '/'}.fs_uuid
123- puts "New rootfs UUID=#{rootfs_uuid}"
124217 begin
125218 system("mount", devices.first, dir) or raise "Failed to mount #{devices.first} to #{dir}"
126219 system("mount", "--bind", "/dev", "#{dir}/dev") or raise "Failed to mount /dev to #{dir}/dev"
@@ -131,52 +224,8 @@ class ImageCreator
131224 system("mount", di.device, "#{dir}#{di.path}") or raise "Failed to mount #{di.device} to #{dir}#{path}"
132225 end
134- system "rm", "-f", "#{dir}/etc/systemd/system/udev.service", "#{dir}/etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service", "#{dir}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"
136- puts "Rewrite fstab..."
137- File.open "#{dir}/etc/fstab", "w" do |f|
138- dirs.each_with_index do |di, idx|
139- f << %W(UUID=#{di.fs_uuid} #{di.path} ext4 defaults,noatime 0 #{di.path == '/' ? 1 : 2}).join("\t")
140- f << "\n"
141- end
142- end
144- system("chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-qy", "update")
145- if File.read("#{dir}/etc/debian_version").to_f >= 9.0
146- # Note: 2019-10-08 時点で Debian9 のカーネルバージョンに対応していないので、エラー回避のために既存のカーネルを全て削除し、強制的に jessie のカーネルをイントールする
147- system("rm", "-f", "#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-#{`uname -r`.chomp}.prerm")
148- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "remove", "--purge", "-y", "linux-image-*")
149- system("wget", "-O", "#{dir}/tmp/linux.deb", "http://security-cdn.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/l/linux/linux-image-3.16.0-10-amd64_3.16.81-1_amd64.deb") or raise "Failed to get jessie kernel"
150- system("chroot", dir, "dpkg", "-i", "/tmp/linux.deb")
151- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "install", "-f", "-y") or raise "Failed to install jessie kernel"
152- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "-y", "install", "isc-dhcp-client")
153- else
154- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-y", "--allow-unauthenticated", "install", "linux-image-amd64", "isc-dhcp-client")
155- end
157- puts "Update grub..."
158- if File.exists? "#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-efi-amd64.list"
159- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt", "remove", "--purge", "-y", "grub-efi-amd64") or raise "Failed to purge grub-efi"
160- end
161- if !File.exists?("#{dir}/var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.list") || !(File.exists?("#{dir}/usr/sbin/grub-bios-setup") || File.exists?("#{dir}/usr/sbin/grub-setup"))
162- system("chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-qy", "update") or raise "Failed to install grub-pc"
163- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, "apt-get", "-y", "install", "grub-pc")
164- end
165- File.open "#{dir}/boot/grub/device.map", "w" do |f|
166- f.puts "(hd0)\t#{root_dev}"
167- end
168- system("chroot", dir, "grub-mkconfig", "-o", "/boot/grub/grub.cfg") or raise "grub-mkconfig fails."
169- system(*%W(grub-install --no-floppy --grub-mkdevicemap=#{dir}/boot/grub/device.map --root-directory=#{dir} #{root_dev})) or raise "grub-install failed."
171- unless Array(run_cmds).empty?
172- Array(run_cmds).each do |cmd|
173- system({'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'}, "chroot", dir, *Array(cmd)) or raise "Failed to execute command (#{cmd}): #{$!}"
174- end
175- end
227+ yield(dir, devices)
177- cfg = File.read "#{dir}/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
178- cfg.gsub! %r{mapper/loop\d+p}, "sda"
179- File.write "#{dir}/boot/grub/grub.cfg", cfg
180229 ensure
181230 system("umount", "#{dir}/dev")
182231 system("umount", "#{dir}/proc")
@@ -208,6 +257,7 @@ class ImageCreator
208257 create_disk
209258 create_fs
210259 sync_dirs
260+ prepare_awsenv
211261 fix_boot
212262 write_json
213263 puts "Image creation has been complated (#{name})"