Rev. | 1fc701cae23ea87cedfe9e1697ff025ae601168f |
Tamanho | 13,809 bytes |
Hora | 2008-12-03 01:36:29 |
Autor | iselllo |
Mensagem de Log | I added a code which shows how to create your own personalized beamer style using some templates.
given by Eric Rasmusen. |
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\newcommand{\jc}{{\it Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}}
\newcommand{\jas}{{\it Journal of Aerosol Science}}
\newcommand{\pra}{{\it Physical Review A}}
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\newcommand{\prl}{{\it Physical Review Letters}}
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\title[Modelling of diesel-engine exhaust nano-particle dynamics]
Modelling of diesel-engine exhaust nanoparticle dynamics
\author[Isella, Drossinos]
Barouch Giechaskiel\inst{}
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
\date{JRC Exploratory Research Symposium, December 2008}
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{\Large \textbf{\textmd{\insertframetitle}}}
% The main document
% \begin{frame}{Outline}
% \tableofcontents
% \end{frame}
\subsection{Problem Formulation}
\begin{frame}[c]{Motivation and Goals}
\item \textcolor{red}{Diesel-generated nanoparticles} raise concerns
about their effects on human health and
\item \textcolor{red}{Legislation} regulating diesel-vehicle particulate \textcolor{red}{mass}
emissions (EURO1,2,3,4,\emph{etc}\dots), but particle number
distributions may be a better metric (especially for health effects).
\item Evaluate \textcolor{red}{effect of sampling and experimental conditions}
on measured particle number distributions emitted from light/heavy duty vehicles $\Rightarrow$ \textcolor{red}{PMP}.
\item Exploratory research as an experimental and theoretical study of the
\textcolor{red}{dynamics of non-volatile (\textcolor{red}{PMP}) particles emitted from diesel
light-duty vehicles} (emphasis on nanoparticle agglomeration).
\item Experiments performed at the \textcolor{red}{Vehicle Emission LAboratories}
(VELA) at Ispra.
% \item Investigation of diesel-nanoparticle aggregate structure, collisions and
% mobility via \textcolor{red}{Langevin} simulations.
% \item Aerosol processes: \textcolor{red}{convection, agglomeration, thermophoretic and
% diffusional transport}
% \item Emitted agglomerates are \textcolor{red}{fractal} objects. How
% to estimate their fractal dimension from limited experimental information?
\section{Overview of the Experiments}
\subsection{Exhaust-Particle Measurements}
\begin{frame}[t]{Experimental setup}
\includegraphics[width=8cm, height=6cm]{figure1.pdf}
\item Temperature and particle-size distribution measurements along
\textcolor{red}{whole} experimental manifold (\textcolor{red}{not}
only at legislated position).
\subsection{Number Distributions}
\begin{frame}[t]{Inlet and outlet experimental
number distributions: \\ { EURO 3 vehicle, 120km/h} }
\rotatebox{90}{\includegraphics[width=5cm, height=8cm]{figure2_b.pdf}}
% \item The experimental number distributions can be excellently
% approximated with analytical lognormal distributions.
\item \textcolor{red}{Lognormal} distribution
\beq \nonumber
dN^{\textrm{fit}} & {} =
\f{N_{\infty}} {\sqrt{2\pi}\log\sigma}\exp\lsq-\f{(\log d_{\rm agg}-\log\mu)^2}{2\log^2\sigma}\rsq d\log d_{\rm agg} \\
% & {} \equiv n_q (\log d_{\rm agg}) \, d \log d_{\rm agg}
\item Compact way of representing the data: $N_{\infty}, \mu\;\; {\rm
and}\;\; \sigma $ \textcolor{red}{unambiguously} describe the experimental data.
% \item Pressure fluctuations $\Rightarrow$ higher uncertainty on the
% number concentration $N_\infty$ (\textcolor{red}{not} on $\mu$ and $\sigma$) at inlet than outlet.
\section{Dynamics along transfer tube}
\subsection{1D model for aerosol dynamics}
\begin{frame}[t]{Aerosol in a Tube}
%\includegraphics[width=8cm, height=4cm]{cylinder.pdf}
\item Four different aerosol processes:
\textcolor{Brown}{thermophoresis} and \textcolor{blue}{convection}.
\item 1D model neglecting turbulence-induced local particle density
\item \textcolor{red}{$n_q$} (flux-averaged axial aggregate
concentration of size $d_q$ [$q$-mer])
along tube as function
of \textcolor{red}{residence time} \textcolor{blue}{$\tau$}
\;\;\,\f{d n_q(\textcolor{blue}{\tau})}{d\textcolor{blue}{\tau}}=-\f{2(\textcolor{mymagenta}{v_{\rm dif}}+\textcolor{Brown}{v_{\rm th}})}{
\f{1}{2}\sum_{i+j=q}\textcolor{darkgreen}{\mathcal{K}_{ij}}n_i(\textcolor{blue}{\tau})n_j(\textcolor{blue}{\tau}) - n_q(\textcolor{blue}{\tau})\sum_i\textcolor{darkgreen}{\mathcal{K}_{iq}}n_i(\textcolor{blue}{\tau}).
% \item $n_q$ the mean (flux-averaged) axial aggregate concentration of size $d_q$
\begin{frame}[t]{Time-Scales and Approximations}
\item Time-scales for each process: $\tau_{\rm agg}\simeq 2$s,
$\tau_{\rm dif}\simeq 10^{3}$s, $\tau_{\rm th}\simeq 30s$ and
$\tau_{\rm conv}\simeq 2$s.
\includegraphics[width=8cm, height=5.5cm]{figure7_b.pdf}
\item Effect of the transfer tube length on number concentration:
important for experiment \textcolor{red}{reproducibility}.
\item Different $\tau_{\rm agg}$ for a \textcolor{red}{light-duty} Euro4-5 diesel engine.
\section{Simulation of soot aggregate formation}
\subsection{Model for Monomer Dynamics}
\begin{frame}[t]{Langevin Equation for Mesoscopic Systems}
%\includegraphics[width=8cm, height=4cm]{cylinder.pdf}
\item \textcolor{red}{3D} system of interacting monomers, each
\label{eq:Langevin} \nonumber
m_1\ddot{\bf r}_i=\textcolor{red}{{\bf F}_i}-\beta_1 m_1\dot{\bf r}_i+
{\bf W}_i(t).
\item Force acting on i-th monomer from \textcolor{red}{pairwise} monomer-monomer interaction potential
\begin{equation} \nonumber
{\bf F}_i=-\nabla_{{\bf r}_i} U_i=-\f{\nabla_{{\bf r}_i}}{2}\lro\s_{j\neq i}u(r_{ij})\rro.
\subsection{Interaction Potential}
\begin{frame}[t]{Monomer-Monomer Interaction Potential}
% \begin{block}{General Features}
\item \textcolor{red}{Repulsion} at short separations $r\le\sigma$
(hard-core repulsion) and \textcolor{red}{attraction} for separations above
(sticking upon collision).
\item Simulations performed with two \textcolor{red}{radial} interaction potentials: integrated Lennard-Jones
potential (model for the attractive part of \textcolor{red}{Van der Waals}
interaction between two spheres, $\sim r^{-6}$ for $r\gg\sigma$) and with a short-ranged
\textcolor{red}{model potential}.
%\item Potential used in the simulations:
\includegraphics[height=5cm, width=9cm]{presentation_potential.pdf}
%\caption{show an example picture}
\begin{frame}[t]{Distribution of Aggregate Morphologies}
\includegraphics[height=3.5cm, width=0.43\columnwidth]{final2.png}
\includegraphics[height=3.5cm, width=0.43\columnwidth]{50_monomers_neighbor1_bis.png}
%\caption{show an example picture}
\includegraphics[height=3.5cm, width=0.43\columnwidth]{50_monomers_neighbor2_bis.png}
\includegraphics[height=3.5cm, width=0.43\columnwidth]{50_monomers_neighbor3_bis.png}
%\caption{show an example picture}
\subsection{Determination of the Fractal Dimension}
\includegraphics[height=5cm, width=5cm]{camera.jpeg}
%\caption{show an example picture}
\begin{frame}[t]{Final Remarks}
\item Simplified 1D model for soot solid nanoparticles (PMP
recommendation) $\Rightarrow$ runs on any up-to-date PC within hours.
\item Determination of characteristic time-scales.
\item Different role of agglomeration for Euro4-5 vehicles.
\item Modelling complements the experimental information on soot
aggregates $\Rightarrow$ theoretical investigation on aggregate
structure, mobility and collisional properties.