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File Info

Rev. cdd2c30a815224691fa74c190aa38b7f8c126be8
Tamanho 526 bytes
Hora 2010-10-20 21:47:00
Autor lorenzo
Mensagem de Log

I added an example showing the use of the Garamond fonts.





The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. 0123456789 \\
    {\slshape This is garamond slanted} \\
    {\bfseries This is garamond bold face} \\
    {\scshape This is in small caps} \\
    {\slshape \bfseries This is slanted and bold face} \\
And this is written with the latin modern fonts.


Here we switch to garamond.

Here we switch back to the default.
