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Revisão727dc8134c56c86dcd2a03b18953211cd5fb1786 (tree)
Hora2006-12-30 10:36:13

Mensagem de Log

I modified the file secdml.f in directory CODESCH2/SECD of the diskette
folder by adding my own comments to the code.

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diff -r 5702faceee64 -r 727dc8134c56 diskette/CODESCH2/SECD/secdml.f
--- a/diskette/CODESCH2/SECD/secdml.f Wed Dec 27 23:06:12 2006 +0000
+++ b/diskette/CODESCH2/SECD/secdml.f Sat Dec 30 01:36:13 2006 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,38 @@
55 c IN this code a function appropriate for a mixing
66 c layer is used
77 c
10+c ##########################################################################
11+c ##########################################################################
12+c ##########################################################################
13+C Now I add my own comments to the code.
14+c the array y(i) contains the physical grid (which is called x(csi) in the book
15+c by Orlandi.
17+c in the code, dx=1/(delta csi) and dxq=1/(delta csi)^2, if one wants to use the
18+c notation by Orlandi.
19+c the grid coord csi is in the interval [0,1].
20+c n1 is the total number of points I use to break up [0,1] into subintervals.
21+c n1m=n1-1 is the total number of subinterval I create this way, which means that
22+c delta csi=1/n1m.
23+c Basically, n1 is the parameter which determines the accuracy of the computational
24+c grid.
27+c in most of the cases, when saving data, one rules out the case corresponding to
28+c y(i)=0, which is the boundary and which requires a separate treatment.
30+c finally, yprer is a particular value of y(i) for which some data are saved in the file
31+c accuracy.plo
34+c al end alfu correspond to alpha and alpha_u, respectively
35+c They play a role in the definition of the initial velocity profile and in the
36+c case of the transformation relating physical and computational coord.
37+c (see eqs. 2.19 and 2.24 in the book by Orlandi).
840 include 'param.f'
941 character *60 namfile
1042 write(6,*)'enter alfu, al, yprer'
@@ -66,12 +98,19 @@
6698 er3=0.
6799 endif
68100 if(y(i).ge.0.) then
69- write(16,794)csi,er1,er2,er3
101+ write(16,794)csi,er1,er2,er3
102+c the previous write(16,794) writes to file number 16 i.e. to 'errdis'//npoi//'.plo'
103+c NB: the data are saved for y(i)>0 which means int turn csi>0.5 (see the book by Orlandi).
70105 write(17,794)csi,sd1(i),sd2(i),sda(i)
106+c this write(17,794) will write the data to file Fort.17
71107 endif
72108 if(y(i).ge.yprer.and.y(i-1).le.yprer) then
73109 write(20,794) an1,er1,er2,er3
74110 endif
111+c this write(20,794) writes the data to file accuracy.plo (actually, the condition
112+c required is verified at for a single i
75114 794 format(4x,6e12.5)
76115 enddo
77116 return
@@ -118,6 +157,11 @@
118157 enddo
119158 return
120159 end
162+c u(i) defined above is simply the initial velocity profile for a mixing layer
163+c (see eqs 2.19 in the book by Orlandi).
121165 c
122166 c
123167 c **********************************************************
@@ -145,6 +189,10 @@
145189 write(9,110)csi,y(i)
146190 110 format(5e12.5)
147191 enddo
193+c the array y(i) which has been defined above is simply the physical grid (see
194+c equation 2.24 in the book by Orlandi. Here (and in the book) h is taken to be
195+c 1 so it does not appear.
148196 c
149197 do i=1,n1m
150198 csi=(i-1+0.5)/float(n1m)
@@ -159,6 +207,12 @@
159207 c
160208 return
161209 end
211+c dcay and dmay are simply the central and forward derivative (evaluated
212+c analytically) of the physical coord wrt the computational coord.
213+c The central derivative is evaluated at the computationa grid
214+c point csi, whereas the forward derivative is evaluated in between 2 grid points.
162216 c
163217 c ***************************************************************
164218 c
@@ -169,6 +223,14 @@
169223 c at the grid points dcy and at the mid points dmy
170224 c ddcy is the second derivative of the physical coordinate
171225 c
228+c this routine simply works out the 1st and 2nd derivatives of the physical
229+c coord wrt the computational coord, but this time this is done numerically
230+c using finite-differences. dcy and dmy are the central and forward first deriva
231+c tive, respectively. ddcy is the 2nd derivative evaluated by means of the
232+c central differences.
172234 include 'param.f'
173235 do i=2,n1m
174236 dcy(i)=(y(i+1)-y(i-1))*0.5*dx
@@ -205,6 +267,9 @@
205267 sd3(i)=(aa3*u(i+1)+bb3*u(i)+cc3*u(i-1))
206268 write(63,*)i,sd1(i),sd2(i),sda(i)
207269 enddo
270+c this routine saves the data into files Fort.63 and Fort.64
208273 c
209274 c the solutions are written in a file together
210275 c with the exact value