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Revisãoed895224947f183487939c6aa1bf36d4d037dac8 (tree)
Hora2006-12-13 20:52:35

Mensagem de Log

I simply removed a copy of the readme file I have no use for

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  • delete: R-codes/copy_of_readme


diff -r 655841094f46 -r ed895224947f R-codes/copy_of_readme
--- a/R-codes/copy_of_readme Tue Dec 12 10:48:25 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
1-This is a short documentation about the R codes developed so far.
2-1)nls.R ---> an example code fitting a Gaussian function (not a distribution)
3- istributions
4- using only two Gaussians.
5-13)plot-nls.R ---> code to plot the results from nls2.R when using 2 modes. It should in the
6- future be included in nls2.R using the coeff() function to pass the fitted
7- parameters to it.
8-14)mcdonald.R ---> experimental code able to perform the fitting of mixed distributions
9- even when they are truncated. it requires mixccc.txt to work
10-15)mixccc.txt ---> see above
11-16)nls-LM-read-data2.R ---> it fits the data from Krakow using the LM alghorithm; it works out the quantities of interest and plots them together with a selected fitting
12-17)nls-LM-read-data2bis.R ---> as above but it corrects a small bug (one of the generated pdf
13-files now reads total volume instead of total particle number) and above all it now works
14-out the \integral_{x}^\infinity of the lognormal distribution [it is used to find out how many
15-particles are actually observed according to the fittings].
17-18) LM-single-mode.R --->same as twomodal.R (see 12)) but this time using only a Gaussian to fit the data
18-19)plots-burtschler.R ---> code to plot the fitted results obtained from 18) LM-single-mode.R on a log scale
19-20)plots-burtschler2.R---> it reads the empirical data and the parameters of several fitted distributions and plots one against the other.
20-21)nls-LM-read-data2-smoothing.R ----> again, it fits the Krakow data using a bimodal distribution, but it also saves the basics of the statistical analysis. Finally, it also smoothes the results.
21-22)integration.R ---> it reads data and performs a 4-point numerical integration.
22-23)fpe-phase-space-wall.R --->code to represent the analytical solution of the FPE in phase space and construct combination of the Green functions
23-24)analytic solution delta-x-p ---> code to get the analytical results for density (in physical space) in the case of a wall for a solution of the FPE imposing proper boundary conditions.
24-25)fpe-phase-space-wall-6-adapt---> now the code includes some extra functionalities together with
25-the adapt package to carry out numerical integration.
26-26)integration-and-plots-corrected-final.R--->code to carry out automatic reading, integration and
27-plotting of the quantities of interest as resulting from the Fokker-Planck equations.