Sort of like halfpiarea.c, but in bc source. なんとなく bc 型ソースコードにして halfpiarea.c のように動く 。 Compute the value of pi by using numerical methods to integrate the area of a half circle. 半円の面積を数値積分を使って計算して π の値を計算する。

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Post date
2016-10-04 22:01
Publication Period
  1. /* halfpiArea_by_m.bc
  2. // Computing the value of pi by integrating the area of a (half of a) circle.
  3. // by Joel Matthew Rees, 4 October 2016
  4. // Copyright Joel Matthew Rees
  5. //
  6. // Fair use acknowledged.
  7. //
  8. // All rights to this expression of the method reserved.
  9. //
  10. // (Starting from scratch isn't that hard,
  11. // and you'll like the results better.)
  12. //
  13. // Set m to count of areas to take;
  14. // set d to 1 to center the height of rectangle on the circle;
  15. // set scale if you want to change accuracy in the low bits;
  16. // set q to non-zero if you don't want to show the loop output:
  17. //
  18. // echo "m=10000;q=1;scale=41;" | cat - halfpiArea_by_m.bc | bc -l
  19. //
  20. // Time it with
  21. //
  22. // time echo "m=10000;q=1;scale=41;" | cat - halfpiArea_by_m.bc | bc -l
  23. //
  24. // Note that the errors with odd counts (m=11, etc.) are not relevant
  25. // with accuracies obtained at counts less than 1000000.
  26. */
  27. if ( m < 1 ) { m = 11; }
  28. s=0;
  29. w = 1/m;
  30. if ( d == 1 ) {
  31. h = w / 2;
  32. f = 1 - h;
  33. n = -1 * m;
  34. for (x = -1 + h; x <= f; x = x + w ) {
  35. n = n + 1;
  36. y = sqrt( 1 - x * x );
  37. s = s + y * w;
  38. if ( ( q == 0 ) && ( m <= 1000 ) ) {
  39. print n, ": (", x, ", ", y, "): ", s, "\n";
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. if ( d != 1 ) { /* Some ancient versions of bc don't have else. I think. */
  44. for (n = -m; n <= m; n = n + 1 ) {
  45. x = n * w;
  46. y = sqrt( 1 - x * x );
  47. s = s + y * w;
  48. if ( ( q == 0 ) && ( m <= 1000 ) ) {
  49. print n, ": (", x, ", ", y, "): ", s, "\n";
  50. }
  51. }
  52. }
  53. print n, ": (", x, ", ", y, "): ", s, "\n";
  54. s * 2;
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