Milton Bradley MBX ROM (mbx_MM52664MBX-N_ROM.bin) disassembly without definitions. Uses the perl script, which has issues with negative index offsets in the byte range. 4 offsets need to be changed if your assembler does not automatically wrap forced-byte offsets to negative: <$e9 to <-$17, and <$ee to <-$12 . (Work in progress, assume some errors.)
- org $e000
- L_02D5 equ $02d5
- L_03DE equ $03de
- L_0405 equ $0405
- L_0AA4 equ $0aa4
- L_3E40 equ $3e40
- lda #$38
- tfr a,dp
- lds #$4800
- lda #$38
- sta >$a601
- ldx #$3800
- clra
- sta ,x+
- deca
- L_E014 sta ,x+
- cmpx #$4800
- bne L_E014
- ldx #$3800
- lda ,x
- sta <$79
- beq L_E028
- lda #$02
- sta <$79
- L_E028 clra
- ldx #$e000
- L_E02C adda ,x+
- cmpx #$0000
- bne L_E02C
- cmpa #$00
- beq L_E03D
- lda #$01
- ora <$79
- sta <$79
- L_E03D lda #$3e
- sta >$a601
- ldb >$a601
- andb #$7f
- cmpb #$3e
- bne L_E059
- sta >$a603
- ldb >$a603
- andb #$7f
- cmpb #$3e
- bne L_E059
- beq L_E05F
- L_E059 lda #$10
- ora <$79
- sta <$79
- L_E05F jsr >$e6ea
- jsr >$e6c5
- jsr >$f436
- jsr >$e087
- tst <$79
- bne L_E074
- andcc #$bf
- jsr >$fb1b
- L_E074 andcc #$af
- jmp >$e669
- L_E079 orcc #$50
- lds #$4800
- jsr >$e087
- andcc #$af
- jmp >$e669
- clra
- sta >$a601
- sta >$a603
- sta >$a600
- coma
- sta >$a602
- lda #$34
- sta >$a603
- lda #$3e
- sta >$a601
- lda #$ff
- sta >$a602
- clr <$06
- ldx #$f430
- stx <$00
- ldx #$380b
- stx <$09
- ldx #$e079
- stx <$04
- jsr >$e0e1
- jsr >$e998
- jsr >$f43b
- ldx #$3834
- ldb #$08
- clra
- L_E0C4 sta ,x+
- decb
- bne L_E0C4
- ldb #$10
- coma
- L_E0CC sta ,x+
- decb
- bne L_E0CC
- clra
- sta <$33
- sta <$4d
- sta <$4e
- sta <$51
- sta <$73
- lda #$04
- sta <$74
- rts
- ldx #$e121
- stx <$02
- rts
- jmp [$3800]
- rti
- jmp [$3802]
- jmp [$3804]
- lda #$36
- sta >$a601
- L_E0F9 lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- bne L_E105
- jsr >$e32b
- bra L_E0F9
- L_E105 cmpa #$80
- bne L_E14E
- jsr >$e374
- ldx #$e15e
- ldy #$e16f
- jsr >$fbcf
- cmpy #$e1ff
- bne L_E14E
- jsr >$e1ff
- bra L_E139
- lda #$36
- sta >$a601
- L_E126 lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- bne L_E132
- jsr >$e32b
- bra L_E126
- L_E132 cmpa #$80
- bne L_E14E
- jsr >$e374
- L_E139 jsr >$e15e
- jsr >$fd3e
- jsr >$e1c8
- tst <$06
- lbne L_E079
- jsr >$e394
- jsr >$e4ba
- L_E14E ldb #$ff
- stb >$a602
- lda #$3e
- sta >$a601
- jsr >$f065
- rti
- sbcb 12,s
- L_E15E ldx #$e15e
- ldy #$e16f
- jsr >$fbcf
- jsr ,y
- bra L_E15E
- leas 2,s
- rts
- com <$e1
- inc 3,x
- ldb >$148f
- lda #$00
- eorb -15,y
- ldb >$6f03
- ldb >$5900
- ldb >$7de7
- ldd <$03
- fcb $e8,$00 ; eorb 0,x
- lda #$00
- fcb $e7,$a7 ; stb
- eorb 12,y
- com <$e8
- fcb $15 ; hcf
- lda #$00
- stb -1,u
- bitb >$faa4
- eora <$8c
- lda #$00
- stb -8,y
- stb >L_E288,pcr
- andcc #$e7
- adca #$86
- neg <$e7
- cmpa <$e7
- fcb $a1,$00 ; cmpa 0,x
- stb ,u++
- fcb $e7,$9a ; stb []
- lda #$00
- fcb $e1,$ec,$e2 ; cmpb <$e196,pcr
- lsrb
- neg <$e9
- eora <$e1
- stu >$8600
- sbcb -8,x
- sbcb -7,y
- com <$e2
- dec <$00
- fcb $e6,$cc,$e0 ; ldb <$e1a7,pcr
- subb >$8600
- jsr >$e1df
- ldy #$380b
- L_E1D1 jsr >$e299
- cmpy <$09
- blt L_E1D1
- ldx #$380b
- stx <$09
- rts
- ldx <$09
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- sta ,x+
- stx <$09
- puls cc
- rts
- jsr >$e28b
- tsta
- bpl L_E1F8
- ldb #$01
- stb <$33
- anda #$7f
- L_E1F8 sta <$4d
- sta <$4e
- clr <$51
- rts
- lda #$1e
- sta <$06
- jsr >$e1df
- jsr >$e0e1
- rts
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$76
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$77
- jmp [$3876]
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$76
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$77
- jsr >$e27f
- sta <$78
- ldy <$76
- lda #$0d
- jsr >$e1df
- L_E22F lda ,y+
- jsr >$e1df
- dec <$78
- bne L_E22F
- rts
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$76
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$77
- ldx <$76
- jsr >$e27f
- sta <$78
- L_E24A jsr >$e28b
- sta ,x+
- dec <$78
- bne L_E24A
- rts
- jsr >$e28b
- sta <$72
- jsr >$e28b
- tfr a,b
- andb #$f0
- stb <$75
- anda #$0f
- sta <$73
- lda #$04
- sta <$74
- rts
- rts
- clr <$08
- jsr >$e33e
- rora
- rts
- ldb #$02
- bra L_E28D
- ldb #$03
- bra L_E28D
- ldb #$04
- bra L_E28D
- ldb #$05
- bra L_E28D
- ldb #$06
- bra L_E28D
- L_E287 ldb #$07
- L_E288 equ L_E287+1
- bra L_E28D
- ldb #$08
- L_E28D clr <$08
- stb <$07
- L_E291 jsr >$e33e
- dec <$07
- bne L_E291
- rts
- leax >L_E327,pcr
- clra
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lda a,x
- L_E2A6 ldb >$a600
- andb #$c0
- bne L_E2B1
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E2A6
- L_E2B1 cmpb #$40
- bne L_E2A6
- sta >$a602
- clra
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lda a,x
- coma
- L_E2C2 ldb >$a600
- andb #$c0
- bne L_E2CD
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E2C2
- L_E2CD cmpb #$80
- bne L_E2C2
- sta >$a602
- clra
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lda a,x
- L_E2DD ldb >$a600
- andb #$c0
- bne L_E2E8
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E2DD
- L_E2E8 cmpb #$40
- bne L_E2DD
- sta >$a602
- clra
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lsr ,y
- rola
- lda a,x
- coma
- L_E2F9 ldb >$a600
- andb #$c0
- bne L_E304
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E2F9
- L_E304 cmpb #$80
- bne L_E2F9
- sta >$a602
- L_E30B ldb >$a600
- andb #$c0
- bne L_E316
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E30B
- L_E316 cmpb #$40
- bne L_E30B
- ldb #$ff
- stb >$a602
- lda #$11
- L_E321 deca
- bpl L_E321
- leay 1,y
- rts
- L_E327 ldu >$fbfd
- L_E32A stb >$3402
- L_E32B equ L_E32A+1
- lda #$0f
- L_E32F deca
- bgt L_E32F
- lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- bne L_E33C
- jmp >L_E079
- L_E33C puls a,pc
- L_E33E lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- bne L_E349
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E33E
- L_E349 cmpa #$c0
- beq L_E33E
- clr >$a602
- lsl <$08
- L_E352 lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- bne L_E35D
- bsr L_E32B
- bra L_E352
- L_E35D cmpa #$40
- beq L_E367
- lda #$01
- ora <$08
- sta <$08
- L_E367 lda <$08
- ldb #$ff
- stb >$a602
- ldb #$0b
- L_E370 decb
- bpl L_E370
- rts
- clr >$a602
- ldb #$04
- L_E379 lda >$a600
- anda #$c0
- cmpa #$40
- beq L_E389
- nop
- decb
- bpl L_E379
- jmp >L_E079
- L_E389 ldb #$ff
- stb >$a602
- ldb #$0d
- L_E390 decb
- bpl L_E390
- rts
- lda #$3e
- sta >$a601
- lda <$4e
- bne L_E39E
- rts
- L_E39E dec <$4e
- bne L_E3CC
- lda <$4d
- sta <$4e
- lda <$51
- beq L_E3B9
- clr <$51
- ldb #$3c
- stb >$a603
- L_E3B1 decb
- bne L_E3B1
- ldb #$34
- stb >$a603
- L_E3B9 lda #$01
- jsr >$e1df
- lda <$4f
- jsr >$e1df
- tst <$33
- beq L_E3CC
- lda <$50
- jsr >$e1df
- L_E3CC ldx #$3834
- lda #$fe
- L_E3D1 ldb $10,x
- eorb 8,x
- andb 8,x
- stb <$4c
- ldb 8,x
- stb $10,x
- sta >$a602
- ldb >$a600
- stb 8,x
- ldb <$4c
- andb 8,x
- orb ,x
- stb ,x
- leax 1,x
- orcc #$01
- rola
- bcs L_E3D1
- lda #$40
- sta <$4c
- tst <$33
- bne L_E40A
- bsr L_E42C
- cmpa <$4f
- beq L_E44F
- sta <$4f
- sta <$51
- bra L_E44F
- L_E40A lda #$20
- sta <$4c
- bsr L_E42C
- cmpa <$4f
- beq L_E41A
- sta <$4f
- ora <$51
- sta <$51
- L_E41A clrb
- ldx #$3838
- bsr L_E430
- cmpa <$50
- beq L_E44F
- sta <$50
- ora <$51
- sta <$51
- bra L_E44F
- L_E42C clrb
- ldx #$3834
- L_E430 lda $10,x
- cmpa #$ff
- bne L_E441
- leax 1,x
- addb #$08
- cmpb <$4c
- bne L_E430
- clra
- rts
- L_E441 rora
- bcc L_E447
- incb
- bra L_E441
- L_E447 ldx #$e47a
- lda b,x
- ora #$80
- rts
- L_E44F lda <$34
- rora
- bcc L_E45D
- lda <$34
- anda #$fe
- sta <$34
- jsr >$e6cc
- L_E45D lda <$35
- rora
- bcc L_E46B
- lda <$35
- anda #$fe
- sta <$35
- jsr >$fda2
- L_E46B lda <$36
- rora
- bcc L_E479
- lda <$36
- anda #$fe
- sta <$36
- jsr >$fd93
- L_E479 rts
- com <$0b
- sync
- fcb $1b ; nop
- bls L_E4AB
- leau -5,y
- fcb $02,$0a ; negcom <$0a
- nop
- orcc #$22
- bpl L_E4BB
- abx
- fcb $01,$09 ; neg <$09
- fcb $11,$19
- brn L_E4B9
- leay -7,y
- neg <$08
- fcb $10,$18
- bra L_E4C0
- leax -8,y
- lsr <$0c
- fcb $14 ; hcf
- andcc #$24
- bge L_E4D5
- cwai #$05
- tst <$15
- sex
- bcs L_E4D5
- puls cc,b,dp,x,y
- L_E4AA ror <$0e
- L_E4AB equ L_E4AA+1
- lbra L_02D5
- bgt L_E4E7
- fcb $3e ; reset
- asr <$0f
- lbsr L_03DE
- ble L_E4F0
- L_E4B9 swi
- L_E4BA lda <$73
- L_E4BB equ L_E4BA+1
- beq L_E479
- sta ,-s
- L_E4C0 lda <$72
- beq L_E53B
- bita #$10
- beq L_E4D9
- ldx #$0007
- jsr >$e561
- ldx #$386f
- jsr >$e53e
- L_E4D4 sta >$3859
- L_E4D5 equ L_E4D4+1
- lda <$72
- L_E4D9 bita #$01
- beq L_E4EC
- ldx #$0003
- jsr >$e561
- ldx #$3863
- L_E4E6 jsr >$e53e
- L_E4E7 equ L_E4E6+1
- sta >$3855
- L_E4EC lda #$02
- L_E4EE jsr >$e1df
- L_E4F0 equ L_E4EE+2
- L_E4F1 clra
- ldb <$74
- tfr d,x
- lda $e57c,x
- anda <$72
- bne L_E507
- ldb <$74
- incb
- andb #$07
- stb <$74
- bra L_E4F1
- L_E507 anda #$11
- beq L_E511
- lda $3852,x
- bra L_E52D
- L_E511 bsr L_E561
- tst <$75
- beq L_E529
- pshs a,x
- tfr x,d
- lda #$03
- mul
- ldx #$385a
- leax b,x
- puls a
- bsr L_E59E
- puls x
- L_E529 sta $3852,x
- L_E52D jsr >$e1df
- ldb <$74
- incb
- andb #$07
- stb <$74
- dec ,s
- bne L_E4F1
- L_E53B leas 1,s
- rts
- leay >L_E584,pcr
- L_E542 cmpa ,y++
- bcs L_E542
- lda -1,y
- cmpa ,x
- bne L_E55A
- ldb 1,x
- incb
- cmpb #$02
- beq L_E557
- stb 1,x
- bra L_E55E
- L_E557 sta 2,x
- rts
- L_E55A sta ,x
- clr 1,x
- L_E55E lda 2,x
- rts
- L_E561 lda >$a600
- sta $8000,x
- ldb #$0f
- L_E56A lda >$a601
- bmi L_E578
- decb
- bne L_E56A
- lda $3852,x
- bra L_E57B
- L_E578 lda >$6000
- L_E57B rts
- lsl <$04
- fcb $02,$01 ; negcom <$01
- suba #$40
- bra L_E594
- L_E584 fcb $eb,$00 ; addb 0,x
- adcb <$01
- andb #$04
- sbca >$05a4
- fcb $02,$98 ; negcom <$98
- com <$8d
- ror <$84
- L_E593 asr <$7c
- L_E594 equ L_E593+1
- lsl <$75
- rol <$6f
- inc <$68
- tst <$00
- L_E59D neg <$d6
- L_E59E equ L_E59D+1
- fcb $75,$bd,$e5 ; lsr >$bde5
- eorb #$30
- fcb $02,$c6 ; negcom <$c6
- fcb $02,$bd ; negcom <$bd
- bitb d,y
- rts
- pshs b
- adda ,s
- bcs L_E5B5
- cmpa ,x
- bcs L_E5C3
- L_E5B5 suba ,s
- suba ,s
- bcs L_E5BF
- cmpa ,x
- bhi L_E5C3
- L_E5BF lda ,x
- bra L_E5C5
- L_E5C3 sta ,x
- L_E5C5 leas 1,s
- rts
- suba ,x
- bls L_E5D1
- jsr >$e5d6
- bra L_E5D5
- L_E5D1 nega
- jsr >$e5dc
- L_E5D5 rts
- mul
- addd ,x
- std ,x
- rts
- mul
- coma
- comb
- addd #$0001
- addd ,x
- std ,x
- rts
- L_E5E7 jsr >$e64c
- bcs L_E5F1
- lsla
- ldx a,y
- andcc #$fe
- L_E5F1 rts
- bsr L_E5E7
- bcs L_E5FF
- lda -1,y
- inca
- anda -3,y
- sta -1,y
- andcc #$fe
- L_E5FF rts
- lda -2,y
- tfr a,b
- inca
- anda -3,y
- cmpa -1,y
- beq L_E613
- sta -2,y
- lslb
- stx b,y
- andcc #$fe
- rts
- L_E613 orcc #$01
- rts
- L_E616 bsr L_E64C
- bcs L_E624
- ldb -4,y
- mul
- leau d,y
- jsr >$e65f
- andcc #$fe
- L_E624 rts
- bsr L_E616
- bcs L_E632
- lda -1,y
- inca
- anda -3,y
- sta -1,y
- andcc #$fe
- L_E632 rts
- lda -2,y
- tfr a,b
- inca
- anda -3,y
- cmpa -1,y
- beq L_E655
- sta -2,y
- lda -4,y
- mul
- tfr x,u
- leax d,y
- jsr >$e65f
- bra L_E652
- L_E64C lda -1,y
- cmpa -2,y
- beq L_E655
- L_E652 andcc #$fe
- rts
- L_E655 orcc #$01
- rts
- std -4,y
- clr -2,y
- clr -1,y
- rts
- ldb -4,y
- L_E661 lda ,u+
- sta ,x+
- decb
- bne L_E661
- rts
- ldy #$394c
- L_E66D jsr >L_E5E7
- bcs L_E66D
- jsr ,x
- ldy #$394c
- jsr >$e5f2
- bra L_E66D
- ldy #$394c
- jsr >$e600
- rts
- ldy #$3940
- jsr >L_E64C
- bcs L_E693
- jsr >$e600
- bra L_E69C
- L_E693 jsr >$e600
- bcs L_E69C
- jsr ,x
- andcc #$fe
- L_E69C rts
- L_E69D ldy #$3940
- jsr >$e5f2
- jsr >L_E5E7
- bcc L_E6B0
- ldd #$f430
- std <$00
- bra L_E6B2
- L_E6B0 jsr ,x
- L_E6B2 rts
- ldy #$394c
- ldd #$0203
- jsr >$e658
- ldy #$3940
- jsr >$e658
- rts
- jsr >$e97b
- jsr >$e98e
- rts
- com >$3938
- lda #$0c
- tst >$3938
- bne L_E6E4
- tst >$3930
- bne L_E6E6
- pshs a
- jsr >$e815
- puls a
- bra L_E6E6
- L_E6E4 ora #$10
- L_E6E6 jsr >$e1df
- rts
- jsr >$f423
- ldb #$0a
- L_E6EF jsr >$f412
- stb >$c001
- stb >$c002
- jsr >$f412
- stb >$c001
- lda >$c003
- jsr >$f412
- lda >$c002
- pshs a
- cmpb ,s+
- bne L_E712
- decb
- bne L_E6EF
- bra L_E718
- L_E712 lda <$79
- ora #$08
- sta <$79
- L_E718 jsr >$f418
- rts
- jsr >$e86f
- sta <$7e
- jsr >$e8c6
- jsr >$e88d
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- lda #$03
- jsr >$e1df
- jsr >$ea63
- jsr >$e1df
- puls cc,pc
- jsr >$e86f
- pshs a
- jsr >$e8c6
- L_E740 jsr >$ea5b
- cmpa ,s
- bcc L_E755
- jsr >$e8b1
- bcs L_E751
- jsr >$e8f4
- bra L_E740
- L_E751 lda #$15
- bra L_E757
- L_E755 lda #$05
- L_E757 jsr >$e1df
- jsr >$e88d
- puls a,pc
- jsr >$e86f
- sta <$7c
- ldx #$e774
- jsr >$e67d
- bcc L_E773
- lda #$04
- ora #$10
- jsr >$e1df
- L_E773 rts
- jsr >$ea6b
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- pshs a
- lda #$04
- jsr >$e1df
- puls a
- jsr >$e1df
- puls cc,pc
- jsr >$ea0e
- rts
- jsr >$ea16
- rts
- jsr >$e86f
- sta <$7b
- jsr >$ea1e
- rts
- jsr >$e87b
- sta >$3937
- rts
- jsr >$e873
- sta <$80
- rts
- jsr >$e877
- jsr >$e964
- jsr >$e87f
- sta ,y+
- tfr a,b
- L_E7B4 pshs b
- jsr >$e86f
- puls b
- sta ,y+
- decb
- bne L_E7B4
- rts
- jsr >$e86f
- sta <$7b
- ldx #$e7cf
- jsr >$e67d
- bcs L_E7D2
- rts
- jsr >$eba2
- L_E7D2 lda #$08
- bcc L_E7D8
- ora #$10
- L_E7D8 jsr >$e1df
- rts
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- lda #$0f
- jsr >$e1df
- lda <$8c
- jsr >$e1df
- lda <$8f
- jsr >$e1df
- ldd <$87
- jsr >$e883
- ldd <$89
- jsr >$e883
- ldd <$8d
- jsr >$e883
- puls cc,pc
- tst >$3930
- bne L_E80F
- ldx #$f3ba
- jsr >$e685
- bcs L_E80F
- bra L_E814
- L_E80F lda #$16
- jsr >$e1df
- L_E814 rts
- lda #$07
- tst >$3930
- bne L_E823
- ora #$10
- jsr >$e1df
- bra L_E82B
- L_E823 jsr >$e1df
- lda #$01
- sta >$3931
- L_E82B rts
- clr >$3936
- bra L_E836
- lda #$01
- sta >$3936
- L_E836 jsr >$e277
- sta <$81
- ldx #$e849
- jsr >$e67d
- bcc L_E848
- L_E843 lda #$19
- jsr >$e1df
- L_E848 rts
- lda <$81
- jsr >$e964
- tst ,y
- beq L_E843
- sty <$94
- jsr >$e902
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- lda #$09
- jsr >$e1df
- lda <$8b
- jsr >$e1df
- ldd <$89
- subd <$87
- jsr >$e883
- puls cc,pc
- jsr >$e287
- rts
- jsr >$e27b
- rts
- jsr >$e277
- rts
- jsr >$e273
- rts
- jsr >$e27f
- rts
- lsra
- rorb
- lsra
- rorb
- tfr b,a
- jsr >$e1df
- rts
- tst <$7e
- beq L_E8B0
- ldb #$03
- ldx #$3932
- lda ,x+
- pshs a
- tstb
- beq L_E8A4
- L_E89D lda ,x+
- sta -2,x
- decb
- bne L_E89D
- L_E8A4 ldb <$7e
- stb ,-x
- puls a
- tsta
- beq L_E8B0
- jsr >$e8f4
- L_E8B0 rts
- ldx #$3932
- ldb #$04
- L_E8B6 lda ,x+
- bne L_E8C1
- decb
- bne L_E8B6
- orcc #$01
- bra L_E8C5
- L_E8C1 clr ,-x
- andcc #$fe
- L_E8C5 rts
- ldb <$7e
- tstb
- beq L_E8E6
- ldx #$3936
- lda #$04
- L_E8D0 cmpb ,-x
- beq L_E8D9
- deca
- bne L_E8D0
- bra L_E8E6
- L_E8D9 ldb ,-x
- stb 1,x
- deca
- bne L_E8D9
- clr 1,x
- andcc #$fe
- bra L_E8E8
- L_E8E6 orcc #$01
- L_E8E8 rts
- ldx #$3932
- ldb #$04
- L_E8EE clr ,x+
- decb
- bne L_E8EE
- rts
- ldb <$7e
- pshs b
- sta <$7e
- jsr >$ea0e
- puls b
- stb <$7e
- rts
- ldx #$eccd
- stx >$3929
- tst >$3937
- beq L_E913
- ldx #$ed40
- stx >$3929
- L_E913 ldy <$94
- jsr >$ea85
- lda >$3937
- cmpa #$01
- bne L_E93B
- lda <$8b
- ldb <$8c
- pshs a,b
- lda <$8f
- pshs a
- lda #$03
- pshs a
- tfr s,y
- ldx #$eccd
- stx >$3929
- jsr >$ea85
- leas 4,s
- L_E93B rts
- rti
- adda >$3c27
- cwai #$93
- cwai #$ff
- mul
- fcb $6b,$3d ; dec -3,y
- stb <$3e
- coma
- fcb $3e ; reset
- stx -1,y
- fcb $1b ; nop
- swi
- fcb $87,$3f ; discarda #$3f
- addd >$405f
- nega
- addb #$41
- pulu cc,s
- subd 2,u
- clr <$42
- fcb $7b,$42,$e7 ; dec >$42e7
- coma
- comb
- coma
- stx >$1f89
- clra
- tstb
- bne L_E970
- ldy #$e98c
- bra L_E97A
- L_E970 decb
- lslb
- lslb
- lslb
- ldy #$3b7c
- leay d,y
- L_E97A rts
- lda #$07
- pshs a
- L_E97F lda ,s
- jsr >$e964
- clr ,y
- dec ,s
- bne L_E97F
- puls a,pc
- fcb $01,$fe ; neg <$fe
- jsr >$ea06
- clr <$7c
- clr <$7e
- jsr >$e8e9
- lda #$ff
- sta >$3938
- lda #$01
- sta <$80
- clr >$3930
- clr >$3931
- clr >$393a
- clr >$393b
- ldd #$f430
- std <$00
- jsr >$e6b3
- ldd #$0903
- ldy #$3958
- jsr >$e658
- jsr >$f3e8
- rts
- ldb <$7e
- pshs b
- ldb #$fe
- stb <$7e
- jsr >$e9d3
- puls b
- stb <$7e
- rts
- ldb <$7c
- pshs b
- ldb #$fe
- stb <$7c
- jsr >$e9f3
- puls b
- stb <$7c
- rts
- ldb <$7e
- pshs b
- ldb #$ff
- stb <$7e
- jsr >$e9d3
- puls b
- stb <$7e
- rts
- ldb <$7b
- pshs b
- ldb #$fe
- stb <$7b
- jsr >$ea03
- puls b
- stb <$7b
- rts
- jsr ,y
- rts
- ldy #$ea1e
- jsr >$e9c3
- rts
- ldy #$ea1e
- jsr >$e9d3
- rts
- ldy #$ea1e
- jsr >$e9f3
- rts
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- L_EA22 jsr >$eae3
- bcs L_EA2D
- lda #$ff
- sta 3,x
- bra L_EA22
- L_EA2D rts
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- bsr L_EA47
- bcs L_EA46
- lda <$7b
- sta ,x
- ldb <$7c
- stb 1,x
- lda <$7e
- sta 3,x
- clr 2,x
- andcc #$fe
- L_EA46 rts
- L_EA47 lda <$7e
- pshs a
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7e
- ldy #$eae3
- jsr >$e9d3
- puls a
- sta <$7e
- rts
- ldy #$ea73
- jsr >$e9e3
- rts
- ldy #$ea73
- jsr >$e9d3
- rts
- ldy #$ea73
- jsr >$e9f3
- rts
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- clra
- pshs a
- L_EA7A jsr >$eae3
- bcs L_EA83
- inc ,s
- bra L_EA7A
- L_EA83 puls a,pc
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7f
- lda ,y+
- beq L_EAC9
- sta <$82
- sty <$83
- ldx #$3b2c
- tst >$3936
- beq L_EAAB
- ldd #$7fff
- std <$87
- std <$89
- std <$8d
- lda #$ff
- sta <$8b
- sta <$8c
- sta <$8f
- L_EAAB lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- L_EAAF ldy <$83
- lda ,y
- sta <$7b
- L_EAB6 jsr >$eae3
- bcs L_EAC0
- jsr >$eb15
- bra L_EAB6
- L_EAC0 lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- jsr >$ead0
- bcc L_EAAF
- L_EAC9 ldd <$89
- subd <$87
- std <$90
- rts
- ldy <$83
- leay 1,y
- sty <$83
- dec <$82
- bne L_EAE0
- orcc #$01
- bra L_EAE2
- L_EAE0 andcc #$fe
- L_EAE2 rts
- L_EAE3 inc <$7a
- lda <$7a
- cmpa #$13
- bhi L_EB0E
- jsr >$eb84
- lda <$7e
- cmpa #$fe
- beq L_EAF8
- cmpa 3,x
- bne L_EB0C
- L_EAF8 lda <$7b
- cmpa #$fe
- beq L_EB02
- cmpa ,x
- bne L_EB0C
- L_EB02 lda <$7c
- cmpa #$fe
- beq L_EB12
- cmpa 1,x
- beq L_EB12
- L_EB0C bra L_EAE3
- L_EB0E orcc #$01
- bra L_EB14
- L_EB12 andcc #$fe
- L_EB14 rts
- lda <$7f
- jsr >$eb6f
- pshs y
- lda <$7a
- jsr >$eb6f
- puls x
- jsr [$3929]
- lda <$7a
- jsr >$eb84
- ldb ,x
- cmpy <$87
- bcs L_EB44
- cmpy <$89
- bcs L_EB5A
- cmpy <$8d
- bcc L_EB62
- stb <$8f
- sty <$8d
- bra L_EB62
- L_EB44 cmpb <$8b
- beq L_EB53
- jsr >$eb63
- lda <$8b
- sta <$8c
- ldx <$87
- stx <$89
- L_EB53 stb <$8b
- sty <$87
- bra L_EB62
- L_EB5A jsr >$eb63
- stb <$8c
- sty <$89
- L_EB62 rts
- pshs a,b,y
- lda <$8c
- sta <$8f
- ldx <$89
- stx <$8d
- puls a,b,y,pc
- tsta
- bmi L_EB7F
- ldb #$02
- mul
- addd #$e93c
- tfr d,y
- ldy ,y
- bra L_EB83
- L_EB7F ldy #$397c
- L_EB83 rts
- pshs a,b
- tsta
- bmi L_EB93
- ldb #$04
- mul
- addd #$3b2c
- tfr d,x
- bra L_EB96
- L_EB93 ldx #$387b
- L_EB96 puls a,b,pc
- neg <$80
- adda ,u+
- fcb $cd ; hcf
- bitb <$db
- subb ,s
- ldb -16,x
- bcs L_EBA5
- L_EBA5 fcb $65,$8e ; lsr
- fcb $38,$7b ; andcc #$7b
- lda #$01
- sta 2,x
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7a
- clra
- pshs a
- L_EBB4 jsr >L_EAE3
- bcs L_EBBD
- inc ,s
- bra L_EBB4
- L_EBBD puls a
- cmpa <$80
- bcc L_EBD1
- jsr >$ea2e
- bcs L_EC0B
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7f
- lda #$01
- clrb
- bra L_EBE6
- L_EBD1 jsr >$ec0c
- lda <$7f
- jsr >$eb84
- lda 2,x
- pshs a
- lda <$7a
- jsr >$eb84
- ldb 2,x
- puls a
- L_EBE6 pshs a
- jsr >$ec53
- jsr >$ec88
- puls a
- adda 2,x
- sta 2,x
- lda <$7f
- sta <$7a
- lda #$ff
- sta <$7f
- clrb
- jsr >$ec88
- lda <$7a
- jsr >$eb84
- lda #$01
- sta 2,x
- andcc #$fe
- L_EC0B rts
- ldx #$eccd
- stx >$3929
- leas -5,s
- ldd #$7fff
- std 2,s
- lda #$ff
- sta 4,s
- sta ,s
- sta 1,s
- L_EC21 lda 4,s
- sta <$7f
- sta <$7a
- jsr >L_EAE3
- bcs L_EC4A
- lda <$7a
- sta 4,s
- L_EC30 jsr >$eb15
- cmpy 2,s
- bcc L_EC43
- sty 2,s
- lda <$7f
- sta ,s
- lda <$7a
- sta 1,s
- L_EC43 jsr >L_EAE3
- bcc L_EC30
- bra L_EC21
- L_EC4A puls a,b
- sta <$7f
- stb <$7a
- leas 3,s
- rts
- pshs b,x
- clrb
- tfr d,x
- adda ,s+
- jsr >$ec5f
- puls x,pc
- pshs a
- ldd #$0800
- pshs a,b
- tfr x,d
- pshs b
- tfr a,b
- clra
- L_EC6D lsl ,s
- rolb
- rola
- cmpd 2,s
- bcs L_EC7A
- subd 2,s
- inc ,s
- L_EC7A dec 1,s
- bne L_EC6D
- cmpd 2,s
- tfr b,a
- puls b
- leas 3,s
- rts
- pshs x
- stb <$97
- negb
- stb <$96
- lda <$7a
- jsr >$eb6f
- pshs y
- lda <$7f
- jsr >$eb6f
- puls x
- ldb #$6c
- stb <$98
- L_ECA1 lda ,x
- ldb <$96
- beq L_ECAC
- jsr >$ecc2
- sta ,x
- L_ECAC lda ,y+
- ldb <$97
- beq L_ECB7
- jsr >$ecc2
- adda ,x
- L_ECB7 sta ,x+
- dec <$98
- bne L_ECA1
- puls x,pc
- sta ,x
- rts
- tsta
- bpl L_ECC8
- nega
- orcc #$08
- L_ECC8 mul
- bpl L_ECCC
- nega
- L_ECCC rts
- pshs u
- stx <$c8
- sty <$ca
- jsr >$ecdc
- jsr >$ed13
- puls u,pc
- ldy #$7fff
- lda #$26
- ldx #$389a
- L_ECE5 sty a,x
- suba #$02
- bge L_ECE5
- ldx #$38a8
- ldd #$0000
- std ,x
- ldx #$38b8
- stx <$c2
- lda #$01
- sta <$d6
- lda #$00
- sta <$d7
- lda #$01
- sta <$d1
- deca
- sta <$cc
- sta <$ce
- lda #$ff
- sta <$d9
- lda #$01
- sta <$d8
- rts
- lda #$17
- sta <$d4
- L_ED17 jsr >$ed66
- lda <$d4
- cmpa #$0d
- bge L_ED24
- lda #$01
- sta <$d9
- L_ED24 jsr >$ee4b
- dec <$d4
- bgt L_ED17
- ldd <$c2
- subd #$38a4
- bpl L_ED35
- addd #$0028
- L_ED35 addd #$389a
- tfr d,x
- leax 4,x
- ldy ,x
- rts
- pshs u
- stx <$c8
- sty <$ca
- lda #$0b
- sta <$cf
- sta <$d0
- clr <$9a
- clr <$9b
- L_ED51 jsr >$ee75
- ldd <$9a
- leay d,y
- sty <$9a
- dec <$cf
- dec <$d0
- bpl L_ED51
- ldy <$9a
- puls u,pc
- jsr >$ede7
- lda <$cc
- sta <$cf
- lda <$ce
- sta <$d0
- lda <$d1
- nega
- adda #$04
- asra
- inca
- lsla
- sta <$d2
- sta <$d3
- ldy #$7fff
- ldx <$c2
- bra L_ED88
- L_ED85 sty a,x
- L_ED88 suba #$02
- bge L_ED85
- lda <$d1
- lbeq L_EDC1
- lsla
- suba #$02
- adda <$d2
- sta <$d5
- L_ED99 lbsr L_EE75
- ldx <$c2
- lda <$d3
- sty a,x
- jsr >$ee06
- ldx <$c2
- leax a,x
- ldd ,x
- leay d,y
- sty ,x
- inc <$cf
- dec <$d0
- lda <$d3
- adda #$02
- sta <$d3
- lda <$d5
- suba <$d3
- bge L_ED99
- L_EDC1 ldy #$7fff
- lda <$d3
- ldx <$c2
- bra L_EDD0
- L_EDCB sty a,x
- adda #$02
- L_EDD0 cmpa #$08
- ble L_EDCB
- ldd <$c2
- subd #$389a
- subb #$1e
- bpl L_EDDF
- addb #$28
- L_EDDF addd #$389a
- std <$c2
- neg <$d8
- rts
- ldd <$c2
- subd #$389a
- subb #$14
- bpl L_EDF2
- addb #$28
- L_EDF2 addd #$389a
- std <$c4
- subd #$389a
- subb #$0a
- bpl L_EE00
- addb #$28
- L_EE00 addd #$389a
- std <$c6
- rts
- tst <$d8
- ble L_EE21
- ldx <$c6
- ldx a,x
- ldy <$c2
- ldd a,y
- leay d,x
- lda <$d3
- adda #$02
- ldx <$c6
- leax a,x
- suba #$02
- bra L_EE36
- L_EE21 ldx <$c6
- suba #$02
- ldx a,x
- ldy <$c2
- adda #$02
- ldd a,y
- leay d,x
- lda <$d3
- ldx <$c6
- leax a,x
- L_EE36 cmpy ,x
- bcs L_EE3E
- ldy ,x
- L_EE3E ldx <$c4
- leax a,x
- cmpy ,x
- bcs L_EE4A
- ldy ,x
- L_EE4A rts
- ldb <$d9
- lda <$d6
- bgt L_EE52
- negb
- L_EE52 ldx #$38cd
- inc b,x
- jsr >$ee6d
- sta <$d6
- ldb <$d9
- lda <$d7
- beq L_EE63
- negb
- L_EE63 addb <$d1
- stb <$d1
- jsr >$ee6d
- sta <$d7
- rts
- inca
- cmpa #$02
- bne L_EE74
- lda #$ff
- L_EE74 rts
- L_EE75 ldx <$c8
- lda <$cf
- ldb #$09
- mul
- leax d,x
- ldu <$ca
- lda <$d0
- ldb #$09
- mul
- leau d,u
- lda #$08
- ldy #$0000
- L_EE8D ldb a,x
- subb a,u
- bpl L_EE94
- negb
- L_EE94 leay b,y
- deca
- bpl L_EE8D
- rts
- pshs a,b,x,y,u
- tst >$3938
- beq L_EEDF
- leas -9,s
- tfr s,x
- lda #$08
- L_EEA7 beq L_EEC2
- sta ,-s
- ldb #$08
- subb ,s+
- stb >$c001
- ldb >$c003
- L_EEB5 ldb >$c000
- blt L_EEB5
- ldb >$c002
- stb ,x+
- deca
- bra L_EEA7
- L_EEC2 ldb #$08
- stb >$c001
- ldb >$c003
- L_EECA ldb >$c000
- blt L_EECA
- ldb >$c002
- stb ,x+
- tfr s,x
- ldy #$3958
- jsr >$e633
- leas 9,s
- L_EEDF lda >$c000
- puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
- stu >$8055
- nega
- leau 11,y
- bcs L_EF0C
- andcc #$1a
- lbsr L_0405
- nop
- fcb $11,$10
- clr <$0e
- tst <$0d
- inc <$0c
- fcb $0b,$0b ; dec <$0b
- dec <$0a
- rol <$09
- rol <$09
- lsl <$08
- lsl <$08
- asr <$07
- L_EF08 tfr s,u
- L_EF0A leas <$e9,s
- L_EF0C equ L_EF0A+2
- jsr >$ef5c
- ldd 6,u
- addd #$0001
- std 6,u
- ldx 3,u
- leax 1,x
- leay <$e9,u
- lda 2,u
- sta -3,u
- lda 5,u
- sta -2,u
- sta -1,u
- L_EF28 lda -3,u
- suba -2,u
- bmi L_EF3C
- beq L_EF49
- sta -3,u
- lda -2,u
- jsr >$ef6a
- jsr >$ef8f
- bra L_EF54
- L_EF3C nega
- sta -2,u
- lda -3,u
- jsr >$ef6a
- jsr >$ef96
- bra L_EF54
- L_EF49 lda -2,u
- jsr >$ef6a
- jsr >$ef8f
- jsr >$ef96
- L_EF54 tst -1,u
- bne L_EF28
- leas $17,s
- rts
- pshs y
- lda #$12
- leay <$e9,u
- L_EF63 clr ,y+
- deca
- bne L_EF63
- puls y,pc
- pshs a
- ldb #$09
- stb -4,u
- L_EF70 ldb ,s
- lda ,x+
- bpl L_EF7F
- nega
- mul
- coma
- comb
- addd #$0001
- bra L_EF80
- L_EF7F mul
- L_EF80 addd ,y
- std ,y++
- dec -4,u
- bne L_EF70
- leax -9,x
- leay <$ee,y
- puls a,pc
- lda 5,u
- sta -2,u
- leax 9,x
- rts
- lda 2,u
- sta -3,u
- lda #$09
- sta -4,u
- pshs x
- ldx #$eee3
- lda 2,u
- lda a,x
- ldx 6,u
- pshs y
- L_EFAB jsr >$efbe
- dec -4,u
- bne L_EFAB
- stx 6,u
- puls y
- puls x
- jsr >$ef5c
- dec -1,u
- rts
- pshs a
- clr -5,u
- ldd ,y
- bpl L_EFD8
- inc -5,u
- cmpd #$8000
- bne L_EFD1
- addd #$0001
- L_EFD1 coma
- comb
- addd #$0001
- std ,y
- L_EFD8 lda ,s
- ldb ,y+
- mul
- pshs b
- lda 1,s
- ldb ,y+
- mul
- adca #$00
- adda ,s+
- bge L_EFEC
- lda #$7f
- L_EFEC tst -5,u
- beq L_EFF1
- nega
- L_EFF1 sta ,x+
- puls a,pc
- L_EFF5 pshs a,b,x,y,u
- leas -2,s
- tfr s,u
- ldx #$0000
- ldy 13,u
- leay 1,y
- lda 12,u
- L_F005 beq L_F00D
- ldb ,y+
- abx
- deca
- bra L_F005
- L_F00D stx ,u
- lda 12,u
- asra
- L_F012 beq L_F01B
- asr ,u
- ror 1,u
- asra
- bra L_F012
- L_F01B ldd ,u
- stb [<15,u]
- leas 2,s
- puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
- L_F024 pshs a,b,x,y,u
- leas -2,s
- tfr s,u
- ldx #$39e8
- tfr x,y
- lda #$12
- sta ,u
- L_F033 beq L_F047
- lda #$09
- L_F037 ldb 9,y
- addb ,y+
- asrb
- stb ,x+
- deca
- bne L_F037
- leay 9,y
- dec ,u
- bra L_F033
- L_F047 leas 2,s
- puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
- tst >$3931
- beq L_F05F
- pshs a,b,x,y,u
- clr >$3930
- clr >$3931
- jsr >$e69d
- puls a,b,x,y,u
- bra L_F062
- L_F05F jsr >$ee9a
- L_F062 jmp >$e0eb
- pshs a,b,x,y,u
- L_F067 ldy #$3958
- tst >$3930
- bne L_F075
- jsr >$f0c0
- bra L_F0A3
- L_F075 jsr >L_E64C
- bcs L_F0A3
- lda >$393a
- anda #$7f
- bne L_F0A3
- lda #$80
- ora >$393a
- sta >$393a
- jsr >$f0ce
- bcc L_F067
- lda #$01
- sta >$3931
- inc >$3939
- ldx #$f0a5
- jsr >$e67d
- bcs L_F0A3
- lda #$01
- sta >$393b
- L_F0A3 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
- jsr >$f188
- lda #$00
- sta >$393b
- jsr >$f0c0
- bcs L_F0B9
- lda #$06
- jsr >$e1df
- bra L_F0BF
- L_F0B9 ldx #$f3ba
- jsr >$e685
- L_F0BF rts
- tst >$393b
- bne L_F0CD
- lda >$393a
- anda #$7f
- sta >$393a
- L_F0CD rts
- ldx #$38f8
- ldy #$3958
- jsr >$e625
- lbcs L_F17B
- tst >$3939
- lbne L_F17B
- lda >$3900
- sta <$e0
- lda <$e8
- cmpa #$01
- ble L_F143
- inc <$dc
- lda <$dc
- cmpa #$04
- bgt L_F111
- deca
- ldb #$09
- mul
- ldx #$3905
- leax d,x
- ldy #$38f8
- lda #$09
- jsr >$f39d
- ldx #$3900
- lda <$dc
- ldb <$e0
- stb a,x
- L_F111 cmpa <$e8
- bne L_F141
- clr <$dc
- lda <$e8
- jsr >$f181
- ldx #$3904
- ldb #$01
- ldy #$38ee
- pshs b,y
- pshs a,x
- lbsr L_EF08
- leas 6,s
- lda <$e8
- jsr >$f181
- ldx #$3900
- ldy #$38e1
- pshs a,x,y
- lbsr L_EFF5
- leas 5,s
- L_F141 bra L_F153
- L_F143 ldb <$e0
- stb <$e1
- ldy #$38f8
- ldx #$38ef
- lda #$09
- jsr >$f39d
- L_F153 lda <$dc
- bne L_F17B
- lda <$e1
- suba <$e3
- sta <$e2
- jsr >$f28e
- pshs cc
- tst <$da
- beq L_F16B
- jsr >$f38a
- bra L_F16E
- L_F16B jsr >$f36a
- L_F16E puls cc
- bcc L_F17B
- lda <$e7
- cmpa #$10
- bgt L_F17E
- jsr >$f3a5
- L_F17B andcc #$fe
- rts
- L_F17E orcc #$01
- rts
- cmpa #$04
- ble L_F187
- lda #$04
- L_F187 rts
- jsr >$f1c5
- lbcs L_F1C4
- lda <$de
- ldx #$39e7
- ldb #$0c
- ldy #$397b
- pshs b,y
- pshs a,x
- lbsr L_EF08
- leas 6,s
- lda #$14
- suba <$e7
- pshs a
- ldx #$3984
- ldb #$0c
- L_F1AE lda ,x
- adda ,s
- bpl L_F1B5
- clra
- L_F1B5 suba #$0a
- lsla
- lsla
- sta ,x
- leax 9,x
- decb
- bne L_F1AE
- leas 1,s
- andcc #$fe
- L_F1C4 rts
- ldb <$de
- jsr >$f25c
- clr ,x
- lda <$de
- inca
- clrb
- jsr >$f25c
- pshs a,b,x
- lda <$e8
- jsr >$f3a5
- sta <$e8
- clr <$e5
- lda <$e4
- sta <$e3
- L_F1E2 ldx 2,s
- lda ,x
- sta <$e1
- suba <$e3
- bpl L_F1ED
- clra
- L_F1ED ldb 1,s
- stb <$df
- sta <$e2
- jsr >$f28e
- ldb 1,s
- subb <$df
- ble L_F221
- lda <$df
- cmpa <$de
- bne L_F206
- ldb 1,s
- subb <$de
- L_F206 incb
- stb <$e5
- dec ,s
- inc 1,s
- ldb 1,s
- lda ,s
- jsr >$f268
- subb <$e5
- jsr >$f25c
- stx 2,s
- clr <$e5
- tst ,s
- bra L_F249
- L_F221 tst <$da
- bne L_F229
- inc <$e5
- bra L_F23F
- L_F229 tst <$e5
- beq L_F23F
- lda ,s
- ldb 1,s
- jsr >$f268
- subb <$e5
- stb 1,s
- jsr >$f25c
- stx 2,s
- clr <$e5
- L_F23F ldx 2,s
- leax 9,x
- stx 2,s
- inc 1,s
- dec ,s
- L_F249 lbne L_F1E2
- puls a,b,x
- ldb <$de
- bne L_F259
- jsr >$f3a5
- orcc #$01
- rts
- L_F259 andcc #$fe
- rts
- pshs a,b
- lda #$09
- mul
- ldx #$39f0
- leax d,x
- puls a,b,pc
- pshs b
- sta ,-s
- ble L_F28C
- ldy #$39e8
- lda #$09
- mul
- leay d,y
- ldx #$39e8
- ldb 1,s
- subb <$e5
- lda #$09
- mul
- leax d,x
- L_F283 lda #$09
- jsr >$f39d
- dec ,s
- bne L_F283
- L_F28C puls a,b,pc
- lda <$e2
- ldb <$da
- beq L_F29C
- decb
- beq L_F2A4
- decb
- beq L_F2BC
- bra L_F2C8
- L_F29C cmpa #$04
- ble L_F2A2
- inc <$da
- L_F2A2 bra L_F2ED
- L_F2A4 cmpa #$04
- bge L_F2B2
- ldb <$de
- stb <$df
- clr <$da
- clr <$e6
- bra L_F2BA
- L_F2B2 cmpa #$08
- ble L_F2BA
- ldb #$02
- stb <$da
- L_F2BA bra L_F2ED
- L_F2BC cmpa #$08
- bge L_F2C8
- ldb #$03
- stb <$da
- ldb <$df
- stb <$e9
- L_F2C8 cmpa #$08
- ble L_F2D2
- ldb #$02
- stb <$da
- bra L_F2ED
- L_F2D2 cmpa #$06
- bge L_F2EB
- inc <$db
- clr <$da
- ldb <$df
- subb <$e9
- lda <$e8
- mul
- cmpd #$0004
- ble L_F2EB
- ldb <$e9
- stb <$df
- L_F2EB bra L_F2F5
- L_F2ED lda <$da
- bne L_F2F5
- inc <$ea
- bra L_F301
- L_F2F5 clr <$ea
- inc <$df
- lda <$e2
- cmpa <$e6
- ble L_F301
- sta <$e6
- L_F301 lda <$db
- beq L_F338
- clr <$db
- lda <$e6
- cmpa #$0a
- blt L_F332
- ldb <$df
- subb <$de
- lda <$e8
- mul
- cmpd #$0004
- blt L_F332
- ldb <$df
- decb
- stb <$de
- lda <$e6
- adda <$e3
- cmpa <$e7
- bls L_F336
- sta <$e7
- suba #$1c
- bpl L_F32E
- clra
- L_F32E sta <$e4
- bra L_F336
- L_F332 ldb <$de
- stb <$df
- L_F336 clr <$e6
- L_F338 lda <$df
- cmpa #$23
- bne L_F34E
- lbsr L_F024
- asr <$de
- asr <$df
- lda <$e8
- lsla
- cmpa #$10
- bge L_F361
- sta <$e8
- L_F34E ldb <$ea
- lda <$e8
- mul
- cmpd #$000a
- lblt L_F367
- lda <$de
- ble L_F367
- bra L_F364
- L_F361 jsr >$f3a5
- L_F364 orcc #$01
- rts
- L_F367 andcc #$fe
- rts
- lda <$dd
- ldx #$38ea
- ldb <$e1
- stb a,x
- inca
- cmpa #$04
- ble L_F37A
- lda #$01
- L_F37A sta <$dd
- lda #$04
- ldy #$38e3
- pshs a,x,y
- lbsr L_EFF5
- leas 5,s
- rts
- ldy #$38ef
- ldx #$39e8
- lda <$df
- deca
- ldb #$09
- mul
- leax d,x
- lda #$09
- bra L_F39D
- L_F39D ldb ,y+
- stb ,x+
- deca
- bne L_F39D
- rts
- clr <$dc
- clr <$de
- clr <$df
- clr <$ea
- clr <$e7
- clr <$da
- clr <$e6
- clr <$db
- ldb #$01
- stb <$e8
- rts
- pshs a,b,dp,x
- jsr >$f3a5
- clr >$3939
- ldb #$7f
- ldx #$38eb
- lda #$04
- L_F3C9 stb ,x+
- deca
- bne L_F3C9
- stb <$e3
- ldb #$01
- stb <$dd
- clr <$e4
- lda #$01
- sta >$3930
- ldd #$f04b
- std <$00
- bsr L_F3E8
- andcc #$fe
- bra L_F3E6
- L_F3E6 puls a,b,dp,x,pc
- L_F3E8 bsr L_F418
- ldb #$09
- stb >$c001
- ldb #$7b
- stb >$c002
- bsr L_F412
- ldb #$0a
- stb >$c001
- ldb #$3d
- stb >$c002
- bsr L_F412
- ldb #$2b
- stb >$c001
- ldb #$ad
- stb >$c002
- ldb #$20
- stb >$c000
- rts
- L_F412 lda >$c000
- blt L_F412
- rts
- L_F418 clr >$c000
- L_F41B lda >$c000
- anda #$40
- bne L_F41B
- rts
- lda #$40
- sta >$c000
- L_F428 lda >$c000
- anda #$40
- beq L_F428
- rts
- tst >$c000
- jmp >$e0eb
- clra
- sta >$4653
- rts
- pshs cc
- orcc #$40
- ldx #$4438
- stx >$4656
- ldx #$fc45
- stx >$4659
- clra
- sta >$4653
- sta >$4661
- ldx #$f760
- stx >$4654
- lda #$00
- ldb #$3f
- ldx #$4438
- jsr >$f4b0
- lda #$01
- ldb #$3f
- ldx #$4481
- jsr >$f4b0
- ldx #$44c1
- L_F46F clr ,x+
- cmpx #$4561
- bcs L_F46F
- lbsr L_F48D
- lda #$10
- clrb
- ldx #$4581
- ldy #$45a3
- L_F483 sty ,x++
- stb ,y+
- deca
- bge L_F483
- puls cc,pc
- L_F48D ldd #$39e8
- std >$4662
- std >$4664
- ldx #$39e8
- L_F499 clr ,x+
- cmpx #$3b2c
- bcs L_F499
- ldx #$44c9
- ldd >$4662
- L_F4A6 std ,x
- leax 10,x
- cmpx #$4561
- bcs L_F4A6
- rts
- pshs cc,a,b,y
- orcc #$10
- lsla
- ldy #$442b
- stx a,y
- tstb
- beq L_F4DE
- stb -6,x
- lda #$a9
- sta ,x
- sta -5,x
- clra
- sta -8,x
- inca
- sta -9,x
- lda #$08
- sta -7,x
- ldy #$f535
- sty -2,x
- ldy #$f4e0
- sty -4,x
- L_F4DE puls cc,a,b,y,pc
- pshs y,u
- clra
- cmpb #$08
- bgt L_F4FC
- ldu #$f519
- leau b,u
- L_F4EC dec -7,x
- bge L_F4F4
- bsr L_F53C
- bra L_F4F6
- L_F4F4 lsl -5,x
- L_F4F6 rola
- decb
- bne L_F4EC
- jmp ,u
- L_F4FC tfr d,y
- subb #$08
- lslb
- ldu #$f523
- leau b,u
- clrb
- L_F507 dec -7,x
- bge L_F50F
- bsr L_F53C
- bra L_F511
- L_F50F lsl -5,x
- L_F511 rolb
- rola
- leay -1,y
- bne L_F507
- jmp ,u
- nop
- lsla
- lsla
- lsla
- lsla
- lsla
- lsla
- lsla
- puls y,u,pc
- nop
- nop
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- lslb
- rola
- puls y,u,pc
- dec -7,x
- blt L_F53C
- lsl -5,x
- rts
- L_F53C pshs b
- ldb -8,x
- incb
- andb -6,x
- L_F543 cmpb -9,x
- beq L_F543
- stb -8,x
- ldb b,x
- lslb
- stb -5,x
- ldb #$07
- stb -7,x
- puls b,pc
- pshs y,u
- dec >3,x
- beq L_F5C2
- dec >0,x
- bpl L_F566
- bsr L_F5DB
- bra L_F56A
- L_F566 lsl >4,x
- L_F56A bcc L_F5B7
- clra
- cmpb #$08
- bgt L_F590
- ldu #$f519
- leau b,u
- L_F576 dec >3,x
- beq L_F5C2
- dec >0,x
- bpl L_F586
- bsr L_F5DB
- bra L_F58A
- L_F586 lsl >4,x
- L_F58A rola
- decb
- bne L_F576
- jmp ,u
- L_F590 tfr d,y
- subb #$08
- lslb
- ldu #$f523
- leau b,u
- clrb
- L_F59B dec >3,x
- beq L_F5C2
- dec >0,x
- bpl L_F5AB
- bsr L_F5DB
- bra L_F5AF
- L_F5AB lsl >4,x
- L_F5AF rolb
- rola
- leay -1,y
- bne L_F59B
- jmp ,u
- L_F5B7 pshs x
- ldx >5,x
- jsr [<-4,x]
- puls x,y,u,pc
- L_F5C2 inc >3,x
- puls y,u
- bra L_F5F6
- dec >3,x
- beq L_F5F6
- dec >0,x
- bmi L_F5DB
- lsl >4,x
- rts
- L_F5DB pshs b,y
- ldy >1,x
- ldb ,y+
- sty >1,x
- lslb
- stb >4,x
- ldb #$07
- stb >0,x
- puls b,y,pc
- L_F5F6 leas ,u
- puls x,u,pc
- jsr >$e28b
- sta >$4659
- jsr >$e28b
- sta >$465a
- ldx #$fb1b
- jsr >$e67d
- bcc L_F613
- lda #$6a
- jsr >$e1df
- L_F613 rts
- pshs y
- ldy >$4656
- lda >$4658
- pshs a
- ldb -8,y
- subb -9,y
- decb
- andb -6,y
- cmpb >$4658
- bcs L_F643
- L_F62B jsr >$e28b
- pshs a,b
- ldb -9,y
- sta b,y
- lda -9,y
- inca
- anda -6,y
- sta -9,y
- puls a,b
- dec ,s
- bgt L_F62B
- puls a,y,pc
- L_F643 lda #$80
- ora >$4653
- sta >$4653
- lda #$1b
- jsr >$e1df
- L_F650 jsr >$e28b
- dec ,s
- bgt L_F650
- puls a,y,pc
- jsr >$e28b
- clrb
- lsla
- lsla
- rolb
- lslb
- ldx #$442b
- ldx b,x
- stx >$4656
- lsra
- lsra
- sta >$4658
- rts
- ldx #$fb62
- jsr >$e67d
- bcc L_F67C
- lda #$6a
- jsr >$e1df
- L_F67C rts
- ldx #$fdb1
- jsr >$e685
- bcc L_F68A
- lda #$5a
- jsr >$e1df
- L_F68A rts
- L_F68B jsr [<-2,x]
- bcc L_F68B
- rts
- pshs x
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldx #$4581
- leax a,x
- ldy ,x
- lda ,y
- clrb
- lsra
- rorb
- lsra
- rorb
- lsra
- rorb
- beq L_F6AF
- inca
- L_F6AF inca
- leay a,y
- nega
- deca
- L_F6B4 ldb ,y+
- stb a,y
- cmpy >$45a1
- bcs L_F6B4
- inca
- leay a,y
- pshs x,y
- ldy ,x
- pshs y
- ldx #$4581
- ldb #$10
- L_F6CD ldy ,x
- cmpy ,s
- bls L_F6DA
- leay a,y
- sty ,x
- L_F6DA leax 2,x
- decb
- bne L_F6CD
- puls y
- puls x,y
- sty ,x
- puls x
- ldb #$08
- jsr [<-4,x]
- sta ,y+
- beq L_F706
- tfr a,b
- L_F6F3 pshs b
- cmpb #$08
- bls L_F6FB
- ldb #$08
- L_F6FB jsr [<-4,x]
- sta ,y+
- puls b
- subb #$08
- bhi L_F6F3
- L_F706 sty >$45a1
- rts
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldy #$4581
- ldy a,y
- lda ,y+
- inca
- ldb ,y+
- pshs a,b,x
- ldb #$08
- pshs b,y
- ldy #$f5ca
- ldx #$f554
- pshs x,y
- leax 4,s
- jsr >$fbbf
- leas 11,s
- rts
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldy #$4561
- leay a,y
- ldb #$10
- jsr [<-4,x]
- std ,y
- rts
- ldx #$44c1
- L_F74F ldd ,x
- std 2,x
- ldd #$0000
- std 5,x
- leax 10,x
- cmpx #$4561
- bcs L_F74F
- rts
- leas ,u
- puls x,u,pc
- ldx >$4662
- ldy #$f792
- ldb #$12
- L_F76D lda ,y+
- sta ,x+
- decb
- bne L_F76D
- cmpx #$3b2c
- bcs L_F77C
- ldx #$39e8
- L_F77C ldy #$44c9
- ldb #$10
- L_F782 stx ,y
- leay 10,y
- decb
- bne L_F782
- L_F789 cmpx >$4664
- beq L_F789
- stx >$4662
- rts
- andb #$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$ff
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- inca
- ldy >$465b
- pshs y
- ldy #$44c1
- L_F7B8 lsl 1,s
- rol ,s
- bcc L_F7C0
- bsr L_F7CE
- L_F7C0 leay 10,y
- cmpy #$4561
- bcs L_F7B8
- jsr >$f8e5
- leas 2,s
- rts
- L_F7CE pshs a,b,x
- clra
- pshs a
- ldd 5,y
- subd 2,y
- bpl L_F7E0
- com ,s
- comb
- coma
- addd #$0001
- L_F7E0 std 5,y
- lda 1,s
- deca
- beq L_F809
- deca
- lsla
- leax >L_F816,pcr
- leax a,x
- lda 5,y
- ldb ,x
- mul
- pshs a,b
- lda 5,y
- ldb 1,x
- mul
- pshs a,b
- lda 6,y
- ldb ,x
- mul
- addd ,s++
- tfr a,b
- clra
- addd ,s++
- L_F809 tst ,s+
- bpl L_F812
- coma
- comb
- addd #$0001
- L_F812 std 5,y
- puls a,b,x,pc
- L_F816 suba #$00
- fcb $55 ; lsrb
- fcb $55 ; lsrb
- nega
- neg <$33
- leau 10,y
- adda 4,y
- sbca <$20
- neg <$1c
- fcb $72,$19,$9a ; negcom >$199a
- lbsr L_3E40
- fcb $55 ; lsrb
- sync
- cmpa >$1249
- fcb $11,$11
- fcb $10,$00
- rts
- ldb #$02
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsla
- rola
- rola
- cmpa #$02
- bcc L_F84B
- lsla
- ldx #$442b
- ldx a,x
- stx >0,u
- L_F84B rts
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldx #$4561
- ldx a,x
- stx >$465d
- rts
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldx #$4561
- ldx a,x
- stx >$465b
- rts
- pshs u
- lda #$04
- ldb #$00
- bra L_F884
- pshs u
- lda #$04
- ldb #$02
- bra L_F884
- pshs u
- lda #$07
- ldb #$05
- L_F884 ldy #$0000
- bra L_F899
- pshs u
- lda #$04
- bra L_F894
- pshs u
- lda #$07
- L_F894 ldy #$ffff
- clrb
- L_F899 pshs y
- pshs a,b
- lda #$10
- pshs a
- ldd >$465b
- pshs a,b
- ldy #$44c1
- L_F8AA lsl 1,s
- rol ,s
- bcc L_F8D0
- tst 5,s
- bne L_F8C3
- ldb 3,s
- ldb b,y
- jsr [<-4,x]
- tfr d,u
- ldb 4,s
- stu b,y
- bra L_F8D0
- L_F8C3 ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- ldb 3,s
- sta b,y
- L_F8D0 leay 10,y
- dec 2,s
- bne L_F8AA
- leas 7,s
- puls u
- rts
- ldb #$04
- jsr [<-4,x]
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- lsra
- inca
- pshs a,u
- L_F8E7 ldu >$465b
- ldb #$02
- lbsr L_FA61
- deca
- bne L_F8E7
- ldx >$4662
- L_F8F5 ldd $10,x
- anda >$465d
- andb >$465e
- cmpd >$465d
- bne L_F95F
- ldd $10,x
- coma
- comb
- tfr d,u
- ldb #$00
- lbsr L_FA61
- lda 11,x
- tfr a,b
- anda #$70
- andb #$07
- addb >$4661
- bge L_F920
- clrb
- bra L_F926
- L_F920 cmpb #$05
- ble L_F926
- ldb #$05
- L_F926 pshs b
- ora ,s+
- sta 11,x
- leay >L_F961,pcr
- clra
- ldb 13,x
- lda d,y
- adda 12,x
- bge L_F93C
- clra
- bra L_F940
- L_F93C bvc L_F940
- lda #$7f
- L_F940 sta 12,x
- ldd #$0000
- std $10,x
- leax $12,x
- cmpx #$3b2c
- bcs L_F953
- ldx #$39e8
- L_F953 cmpx >$4664
- beq L_F953
- stx >$4662
- dec ,s
- bne L_F8F5
- L_F95F puls a,u,pc
- L_F961 neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
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- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
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- neg <$00
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- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
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- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
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- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- neg <$00
- L_FA61 pshs a,b,x,y,u
- clra
- ldx #$8000
- pshs a,x
- ldy #$44c1
- L_FA6D lsl 10,s
- rol 9,s
- bcc L_FABE
- ldx 8,y
- ldb 4,s
- ldb b,y
- lda ,s
- bne L_FA83
- lsrb
- lsr a,x
- rolb
- bra L_FA94
- L_FA83 cmpa #$0a
- bne L_FA94
- ldb 4,s
- ldd b,y
- lsr ,x
- lslb
- rol ,x
- tfr a,b
- lda ,s
- L_FA94 stb a,x
- ldb 4,s
- cmpb #$00
- beq L_FAAC
- ldd 2,y
- addd 5,y
- std 2,y
- ldd $10,x
- ora 1,s
- orb 2,s
- std $10,x
- L_FAAC leax $12,x
- cmpx #$3b2c
- bcs L_FAB7
- ldx #$39e8
- L_FAB7 cmpx >$4664
- beq L_FAB7
- stx 8,y
- L_FABE leay 10,y
- inc ,s
- lsr 1,s
- ror 2,s
- lbcc L_FA6D
- leas 3,s
- puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
- L_FACE ldx #$fdb1
- jsr >$e685
- bcc L_FAD8
- bra L_FACE
- L_FAD8 rts
- lda >$03f7
- anda ,y
- cmpx #$03f8
- inca
- com <$f7
- fcb $60,$00 ; neg 0,x
- eorb >$35fb
- lbsr L_FEE2
- adda #$03
- eorb >$9003
- orb >$ce03
- eorb >$3403
- ldb >$9103
- stb >$3600
- addb >$17f8
- jmp 3,x
- eorb >$5d03
- eorb >$7603
- eorb >$8a00
- stb >$64f7
- inca
- com <$f7
- fcb $0b,$00 ; dec <$00
- eorb >$dbf8
- jmp >$6e9f
- rora
- lsrb
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- lda #$02
- ora >$393a
- sta >$393a
- lda #$80
- anda >$393a
- beq L_FB3C
- lda #$fd
- anda >$393a
- sta >$393a
- puls cc
- jsr >$f606
- rts
- L_FB3C puls cc
- lda #$04
- anda >$393a
- beq L_FB47
- bra L_FB5A
- L_FB47 lda #$04
- ora >$393a
- sta >$393a
- ldx >$4662
- cmpx >$4664
- bne L_FB5A
- jsr >$f496
- L_FB5A ldx >$4659
- jsr >$fbf0
- bra L_FBA6
- pshs cc
- orcc #$10
- lda #$02
- ora >$393a
- sta >$393a
- lda #$80
- anda >$393a
- beq L_FB83
- lda #$fd
- anda >$393a
- sta >$393a
- puls cc
- jsr >$f66f
- rts
- L_FB83 puls cc
- lda #$04
- anda >$393a
- beq L_FB8E
- bra L_FBA1
- L_FB8E lda #$04
- ora >$393a
- sta >$393a
- ldx >$4662
- cmpx >$4664
- bne L_FBA1
- jsr >$f496
- L_FBA1 ldx #$4438
- bsr L_FBBF
- L_FBA6 lda #$fd
- anda >$393a
- sta >$393a
- ldx >$4662
- cmpx >$4664
- bne L_FBBE
- lda #$fb
- anda >$393a
- sta >$393a
- L_FBBE rts
- L_FBBF pshs x,u
- leau ,s
- L_FBC3 ldx ,u
- ldy #$fad9
- bsr L_FBCF
- jsr ,y
- bra L_FBC3
- L_FBCF pshs a,b
- L_FBD1 jsr [<-2,x]
- ldb ,y
- bcc L_FBE3
- bpl L_FBDE
- leay 1,y
- bra L_FBD1
- L_FBDE ldy 1,y
- puls a,b,pc
- L_FBE3 andb #$7f
- beq L_FBEB
- leay b,y
- bra L_FBD1
- L_FBEB ldy 3,y
- puls a,b,pc
- clra
- ldb ,x+
- pshs a,b
- ldb #$08
- pshs b,x
- ldy #$f5d0
- ldx #$fc0a
- pshs x,y
- leax 4,s
- jsr >L_FBBF
- leas 9,s
- rts
- pshs y,u
- clra
- cmpb #$08
- bgt L_FC27
- ldu #$f519
- leau b,u
- L_FC16 dec ,x
- bge L_FC1F
- jsr >L_F5DB
- bra L_FC21
- L_FC1F lsl 4,x
- L_FC21 rola
- decb
- bne L_FC16
- jmp ,u
- L_FC27 tfr d,y
- subb #$08
- lslb
- ldu #$f523
- leau b,u
- clrb
- L_FC32 dec ,x
- bge L_FC3B
- jsr >L_F5DB
- bra L_FC3D
- L_FC3B lsl 4,x
- L_FC3D rolb
- rola
- leay -1,y
- bne L_FC32
- jmp ,u
- suba ,x++
- anda #$ce
- suba #$4d
- bne L_FCA4
- bita <$04
- inca
- bne L_FCC6
- fcb $02,$49 ; negcom <$49
- fcb $31,$bc,$68 ; leay [<$fcbf,pcr]
- bcc L_FC89
- sbcb #$20
- fcb $01,$41 ; neg <$41
- leay -10,x
- leay 5,x
- fcb $05,$04 ; lsr <$04
- suba #$00
- dec 10,x
- bita #$80
- dec 11,x
- jmp <$34
- neg <$01
- bita #$05
- bitb #$5a
- suba #$61
- fcb $41 ; nega
- cmpa #$79
- fcb $ad,$ea ; jsr
- lsrb
- lsl <$7f
- stu >$d022
- com <$d1
- nega
- subd <$ff
- fcb $65,$02 ; lsr 2,x
- neg 2,x
- L_FC89 fcb $14 ; hcf
- dec <$80
- neg <$48
- L_FC8E coma
- fcb $02,$22 ; negcom <$22
- bhi L_FCB5
- bhi L_FCC5
- leax -15,y
- nega
- daa
- neg <$02
- fcb $41 ; nega
- eorb >$224a
- fcb $14 ; hcf
- fcb $45 ; lsra
- ror 6,s
- L_FCA3 lsl >$988a
- L_FCA4 equ L_FCA3+1
- fcb $51 ; negb
- fcb $15 ; hcf
- adca <$99
- sbcb 2,s
- bmi L_FCF6
- lsra
- coma
- asr <$e1
- fcb $5b ; decb
- sta <$a1
- L_FCB5 adcb 6,s
- ora #$7a
- anda #$50
- bita #$2a
- sbca #$e4
- std <$68
- fcb $cd ; hcf
- L_FCC2 lsrb
- fcb $02,$29 ; negcom <$29
- L_FCC5 fcb $87,$93 ; discarda #$93
- L_FCC6 equ L_FCC5+1
- ldb >$445a
- addd >$a193
- fcb $51 ; negb
- comb
- eorb #$a6
- ora #$3e
- clr >$cbb2
- jmp a,y
- lsra
- suba 9,x
- bsr L_FCED
- bgt L_FD19
- stx <$68
- jsr <$8c
- adcb #$4f
- bhi L_FC8E
- eorb >$3c73
- pshu b,x,s,pc
- abx
- L_FCED ora <$1a
- ldx <$27
- bmi L_FCC2
- cmpx >$d037
- L_FCF6 cmpx #$5e37
- L_FCF7 equ L_FCF6+1
- fcb $45 ; lsra
- cwai #$54
- lsl ,-x
- fcb $e9,$cc,$23 ; adcb <$fd24,pcr
- ora <$dc
- lsr >$4a78
- bvs L_FD0A
- L_FD08 addd #$bf6f
- L_FD0A equ L_FD08+2
- eorb -11,u
- bita 1,x
- anda <$fd
- orcc #$08
- lbra L_0AA4
- jsr >$0ae2
- L_FD19 leay $f834,y
- nop
- bvc L_FD5A
- clr >$7955
- lsra
- anda #$53
- andb >$a79e
- asr [,y]
- lsr <$7b
- dec 8,u
- lda [a,y]
- eorb 12,u
- mul
- neg <$27
- ldd >$6211
- cmpb <$06
- tst <$40
- tst -12,y
- bne L_FCF7
- rora
- comb
- beq L_FD91
- lda #$80
- anda >$4653
- beq L_FD69
- ldy >$4656
- ldb -8,y
- subb -9,y
- decb
- andb -6,y
- cmpb >$4658
- L_FD5A bls L_FD69
- lda #$0b
- jsr >$e1df
- lda #$7f
- anda >$4653
- sta >$4653
- L_FD69 lda #$40
- anda >$4653
- beq L_FD7D
- lda #$bf
- anda >$4653
- sta >$4653
- lda #$1a
- jsr >$e1df
- L_FD7D lda #$20
- anda >$4653
- beq L_FD91
- lda #$df
- anda >$4653
- sta >$4653
- lda #$0a
- jsr >$e1df
- L_FD91 puls a,b,y,pc
- pshs a
- lda >$4661
- cmpa #$07
- bge L_FDA0
- inca
- sta >$4661
- L_FDA0 puls a,pc
- pshs a
- lda >$4661
- cmpa #$f9
- ble L_FDAF
- deca
- sta >$4661
- L_FDAF puls a,pc
- pshs a,y
- lda #$40
- ora >$4653
- sta >$4653
- ldy #$c000
- lda ,y
- bita #$40
- bne L_FDDA
- lda #$25
- sta 1,y
- clra
- sta 2,y
- L_FDCC lda ,y
- bmi L_FDCC
- lda #$40
- sta ,y
- L_FDD4 lda ,y
- bita #$40
- beq L_FDD4
- L_FDDA lda #$00
- sta ,y
- L_FDDE lda ,y
- bita #$40
- bne L_FDDE
- lda #$64
- sta ,y
- L_FDE8 lda ,y
- bita #$40
- beq L_FDE8
- clra
- sta >$465f
- sta >$4660
- ldy #$fe01
- sty >$3800
- andcc #$bf
- puls a,y,pc
- pshs a,b,x,y,u
- ldu #$c000
- lda ,u
- bita #$20
- lbeq L_FED4
- ldy >$4664
- cmpy >$4662
- lbeq L_FED4
- lda ,y
- leax 2,u
- bita #$01
- beq L_FE24
- leax 1,x
- L_FE24 ldb #$0d
- stb 1,u
- stb ,x
- L_FE2A ldb ,u
- bmi L_FE2A
- ldb #$00
- stb 1,u
- ldy >$4664
- leay 1,y
- lda >$4660
- lsra
- beq L_FE41
- L_FE3E deca
- bpl L_FE3E
- L_FE41 lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta 2,u
- lda ,y+
- sta ,x
- ldd ,y++
- sta ,x
- L_FE6D lda ,u
- bmi L_FE6D
- stb ,x
- ldb ,y+
- L_FE75 lda ,u
- bmi L_FE75
- stb ,x
- ldb ,y+
- L_FE7D lda ,u
- bmi L_FE7D
- stb ,x
- ldb ,y+
- L_FE85 lda ,u
- bmi L_FE85
- stb ,x
- L_FE8B lda ,u
- bmi L_FE8B
- lda >$465f
- sta >$4660
- stb >$465f
- ldy >$4664
- lda ,y
- anda #$fc
- sta ,u
- leay $12,y
- cmpy #$3b2c
- bcs L_FEAF
- ldy #$39e8
- L_FEAF sty >$4664
- bita #$80
- beq L_FED4
- lda #$20
- ora >$4653
- sta >$4653
- lda #$02
- anda >$393a
- beq L_FEC8
- bra L_FED1
- L_FEC8 cmpy >$4662
- bne L_FED1
- clr >$393a
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- L_FED4 puls a,b,x,y,u
- jmp >$e0eb
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