最近の更新 (Recent Changes)


Últimas Arquivo Comunicados

AIR GEAR (1.0.4)2009-12-31 01:10
AmaterasERD (1.0.9)2012-06-13 15:15
AmaterasERD Extension (1.0.0)2011-02-11 17:27
AmaterasIDEInstaller (2.0.6)2009-05-11 01:47
AmaterasUML (1.3.4)2012-07-16 23:52
BootJava (1.2)2004-08-30 09:13
csv-lib (1.2)2004-04-24 18:01
EclipseHTMLEditor (2.2.0)2012-12-28 03:18
epcb-csv (1.1.1)2005-04-29 23:30
ExcelPettyCashBook (1.2.0)2005-04-29 23:28
ExcelPettyCashBook-all (20050429)2005-04-29 23:32
ExcelPettyCashBook-src (20050429)2005-04-29 23:34
FacesIDE (2.0.6)2008-09-06 22:46
FuzzyXML (1.0.0)2007-07-17 17:04
IPMsg (1.6)2004-07-12 15:00
JavaCVS (1.4)2005-05-01 06:21
JavadocSearch (0.0.3)2003-12-18 11:14
Java Standard EL Functions (1.1.2)2011-01-19 08:14
Mirage (1.1.5)2012-04-15 18:46
rdiff-backup-browser (1.0.0)2010-11-18 01:12
SAStrutsPlugin (1.0.1)2009-04-16 01:14
sns (3.12)2006-12-05 13:04
StepCounter (3.0.2)2013-06-15 12:10
StrutsIDE (2.0.7)2010-07-05 01:22
Translations (m2eclipse0.0.10)2007-05-18 06:23
XLSBeans (1.2.1)2011-07-05 14:54


サイドバー (Side Bar)

AmaterasIDE 2.0.7 New Features


HTML/JSP Formatter Settings

HTML/JSP formatter became configurable.


XPath Search

XPath Search is improved and it's available in the HTML editor also not only the XML editor.


jQuery Support

JavaScript editor provides code completion for jQuery.


JavaScript code completion improvement

JavaScript code code completion is improved.

  • Method completion proposals which are defined in user script
  • Code template for useful statements such as if, for and more
  • JavaScript keyword completion is available
  • Auto insertion behaviour is improved

Quick Outline in JavaScript editor

Quick Outline is available by CTRL+O in the JavaScript editor.


The JavaScript parser which is used by Quick Outline and Outline View is improved. It came to be able to parse user script more accurately.

JsDoc Support in JavaScript editor

JsDoc is displayed as additional information of code completion proposals.


When you press ENTER just before function or method, JsDoc template is inserted automatically.


Synchronization with the outline view

In the HTML, XML, JSP and JavaScript editor, the outline view is synchronized with the caret offset in the editor.

Selected word highlighting in the JavaScript editor

The JavaScript editor highlights the selected word in the same file.



struts-config.xml editor improvement

For Struts 1.3, struts-config.xml editor does not generate elements which have no child nodes in the struts-config.xml.

And you can choose Java interfaces as the action class in the struts-config.xml editor. This would helps use Struts extended frameworks such as a framework which supports POJO action.

validation.xml editor improvement

Support validation and code completion for indexedListPropery.
