[Anthy-dev 3462] ドイツ語に訳

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Gerrit Sangel z0idb****@gmx*****
2007年 5月 4日 (金) 04:49:56 JST



Anthyの日本語はドイツ語に訳してもいいですか。 (そして、英語に?でも、私はドイツ人だから、英語がちょっとできるんです。)

Now this text in english, if no one can understand my Japanese:

I am studying Japanese, but I still have many problems with the Kanji. Since 
the settings of Anthy in Scim (I don't know, how it is in other Input 
Methods) are all written in Kanji, I can't read any of it.

And because I cannot read the website of Anthy, I don't know if anyone has 
asked this before.

Can I translate the message strings to German and English? I think I'm not the 
only one studying japanese who has problems reading the settings.


Gerrit Sangel

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