It's often a good idea to request such pieces also in "Art & Tilesets" forum. Not many artists follow the ticket tracker(s)
Sorry for asking about this here, but I do not have access to forum. My account was blocked due to same IP was used to bad things.
Reply To lachu
Sorry for asking about this here, but I do not have access to forum. My account was blocked due to same IP was used to bad things.
Don't you access to the (current) email address of the account any more? I retriggered activation emails for many accounts, your included, when I got email sending to work.
Also, are you subscribed to freeciv-dev mailing list ? It would be a better place for discussions like this.
I did counters tab for Qt5 client. Problem was icon was not part of these ticket and I am rather programmer and did not known, how this icon should looks like. So I open ticket for create generic (or Qt5) icon for counter tab. In city window of Qt5 client, there was button on left side. These buttons has icons without text, so icon is needed. I do not known if other clients (like SDL) also need icon and it should been shared between clients.