Tíquete #42430

QT client : F7 wonder report needs a scrollbar

: 2021-05-31 07:48 Última Atualização: 2024-02-09 15:43

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


S3_0, QT client

On a small screen (laptop 1360x768) or when nearly all wonders are built, the list is "higher" than the screen height.

=> one needs to drag the window upward to read the end of the list.

#42290 (wonders of the world report sorted by nation, then alphabetically) doubles the numbers of written lines, so the problem becomes even more noticeable.

Ticket History (3/11 Histories)

2021-05-31 07:48 Updated by: alain_bkr
  • New Ticket "QT client : F7 wonder report needs a scroolbar" created
2021-06-16 13:57 Updated by: cazfi
  • Summary Updated
2021-06-17 21:47 Updated by: chippo

Reply To alain_bkr

#42290 (wonders of the world report sorted by nation, then alphabetically) doubles the numbers of written lines, so the problem becomes even more noticeable.

I noticed that too, but didn't complain, 'cos #42290 isn't in mainline - yet.

Regarding the main issue, 768 pixels isn't too small on defaults. It's too small with your choice of fonts and font sizes. But I'm not saying that a scrollbar is uncool. I always increase my font sizes fairly soon after starting a new remove-all-config-test.

then alphabetically)

There's another bug (that I never got around to reporting - and can't now 'cos I don't have any savegames that demonstrate it (new HD)) in the 'standard' QT Wonders report, that maybe you can observe (since you have a full-ish wonder report and a mainline executable right now) and ticket:

When most of the Wonders are built, almost all of them are reported in alphabetical order, except for 3 of them, amongst Pyramids, Shakespeare, 2x Statues, Sun and Temple. These 3, are reported out of alphabetical order.

2022-07-25 09:33 Updated by: cazfi
  • Marco Update from (Nenhum) to 3.0.4 (fechado)
  • Gravidade Update from 4 to 5 - Medium
2022-10-07 09:16 Updated by: cazfi
2022-12-07 02:28 Updated by: cazfi

Due to widgets' class hierarchy, this wasn't as easy as I hoped.

On the positive side, once support for this is built, it likely benefits many different parts of the Qt-client UI at once.

2023-02-02 06:33 Updated by: cazfi
2023-04-04 18:29 Updated by: cazfi
2023-06-30 21:09 Updated by: cazfi
2023-11-10 15:15 Updated by: cazfi
2024-02-09 15:43 Updated by: cazfi

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