New city list for the "Esperant" nation
Where should we target this? I don't think there is any compatibility concerns at all (listed city names are just suggestions after all, i.e., someone could have used the very same names in their game already). Setting 3.1 for now, as sort of compromise between the extremes (master-only / release branch S3_0)
The patch was created based on S3_0 but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Applies cleanly both to S3_1 and master.
The city names for the "Esperant" nation seem to be somewhat random gibberish.
I've updated the list to be international cities important in the history of Esperanto.
I've also added some other city names using Esperanto cultural stuff (Interna Ideo ... Fina Venko).
I've kept and refined a handful of the original city names (Novurbo onwards).
Patch as follows: