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Projeto Descrição

Automatic Drawing Generation is GObject-based
library that provides a non-interactive Cairo
canvas specifically designed for generating
technical drawings.

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2011-01-09 19:58 Back to release list

A infra-estrutura de localização foi adicionado e testado, adicionando a tradução italiana. O Widget AdgGtkArea agora é capaz de mudar interativamente zoom e pan no espaço global, arrastando e / ou girar o volante, mantendo a tecla Shift pressionada. Uma nova classe foi adicionada: AdgGtkLayout é um widget AdgGtkArea base que implementa rolagem nativa, portanto, podem ser adicionados diretamente a um recipiente GtkScrolledWindow.
Tags: Feature Enhancements, Internationalization, Documentation improvements
The localization infrastructure has been added and tested by adding the Italian translation. The AdgGtkArea widget is now capable of interactively changing zoom and pan in global space by dragging and/or rotating the wheel while keeping Shift pressed. A new class has been added: AdgGtkLayout is an AdgGtkArea based widget that implements scrolling natively, hence it can be added directly to a GtkScrolledWindow container.

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