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Projeto Descrição

Airtime lets you take total control of your radio station via the Web with intelligent archive management, powerful search, an easy playlist builder, a simple scheduling calendar, and rock-solid automated playout. Features include fades, cues, playlists, a programme calendar, Icecast, Shoutcast, and Soundcloud integration, DJ and station manager roles, JQuery widgets, Liquidsoap playout, and a record and rebroadcast functionality. Powerful media archive features 'watch' folders to allow stations to magically synchronize files, auto-import files, and has multiple directory support. Users can interact with it through any Web browser. It comes with an 'easy install' package.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-06-20 06:28 Back to release list

Esta é uma versão de hotfix de mudança de uma linha. A maioria dos usuários serão notificadas através do notificador de atualização. Ele corrige Agendador de na tempo de antena Pypo, para que ele recupera corretamente o cronograma do programa após longos períodos de inatividade pelo usuário.
Tags: Minor, bugfix, Stable
This is a one-line change hotfix release. Most users will have been notified via the update notifier. It fixes Airtime's Pypo scheduler so that it correctly retrieves the program schedule after extended periods of inactivity by the user.

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