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Projeto Descrição

Amanda is a popular network backup and archiving software that protects multiple machines running various versions of Linux, Unix, and Microsoft Windows operating systems. It supports tapes, disks, optical media, and changers.

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2008-05-16 05:10 Back to release list

'amfetchdump-p', um acidente amtapetype, e um acidente planejador foram corrigidos. Uma "força amadmin 'com a estratégia incronly irá forçar um nível 0 na próxima corrida. Verifique foi configurado para ter certeza de que encontrou gnutar. Outros pequenos bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
'amfetchdump -p', an amtapetype crash, and a planner crash have been fixed. An 'amadmin force' with strategy incronly will force a level 0 on the next run. Check has been configured to be sure it found gnutar. Other small bugs have been fixed.

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