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Projeto Descrição

Anchor automatically adds curly braces and semicolons to code written in various programming languages, saving typing and making programs easier to read. It lets you pretend to be coding in Python or Lua while actually writing standard C, Java, PHP, C++, .NET, C#, or D. A script may generate files in the target language and invoke the compiler. An example bash script integrates with TCC to make runnable "scripts" with the speed of C. The scripts are easily modified to target another compiler or interpreter.

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2010-11-23 19:55 Back to release list

Guias-e-soltar opções foram adicionadas. Muitos testes foram executados. Os erros e casos de canto com as opções anteriores foram corrigidos.
Tags: Testing, Stable, cli
-tabs and -drop options were added. Many tests were run. Bugs and corner cases with earlier options were fixed.

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