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Projeto Descrição

The adventure PHP framework (APF) is a utility to implement object oriented and generic PHP Web applications. It allows the developer to create programs in compliance with approved software design patterns, and the code base already has answers to many everyday problems. The framework cannot be described as an application that only has to be configured, but rather as a technical basis and design guide for the design of software. Further, it introduced many concepts and efficiency tools already well known in the Java community.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-06-04 06:36 Back to release list
1.15 (stable)

Esta versão contém uma grande atualização para o módulo de gerenciamento de usuário. O modelo de dados agora contém as relações entre grupos e rolos para facilitar a configuração. A administração da interface do usuário foi bastante reformulada. A nova implementação de erro global e facilita a configuração de rotinas personalizadas de manipulação de exceção. O mapeador de genérico ou agora suporta carregar árvore estruturas usando o método de loadObjectTree(). Implementação do serviço é mais fácil com o container de DI a 1,15. Cada serviço pode definir um método de instalação é chamado após o preparo para controlar a inicialização.
This release contains a huge update to the user management module. The data model now contains relations between groups and rolls to ease configuration. The administration UI has been greatly reworked. The new implementation of global error and exception handling eases configuration of custom routines. The Generic OR mapper now supports loading tree structures using the loadObjectTree() method. Service implementation is easier with the 1.15 DI container. Each service may define a setup method that is called after preparation to control initialization.

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