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Projeto Descrição

Aquamacs is a Mac-like version of the powerful
Emacs text editor that runs as a standard OS X
application. It features extensive customization
that enables it to conform better with Apple's
standard Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) than
standard versions of the editor do. It provides a
more Mac-like user experience than Carbon Emacs.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-12-02 20:50 Back to release list

Esta versão tem Mac-estilo de impressão com preview, a exportação para PDF e HTML, com sugestões de ortografia flyspell, uma nova reserva no modo / modo alterar menus principais, um menu de contexto (clique direito do mouse), melhorias de velocidade, incluídos nxml e AUCTeX, melhorou display de texto (caracteres internacionais e fontes proporcionais), maior compatibilidade com o núcleo GNU Emacs, e um atualizado Emacs Manual. O comando "mal-p" bug foi corrigido, e há outras mudanças.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release has Mac-style printing with preview, export to PDF and HTML, spelling suggestions with flyspell, a new buffer in mode / change major mode menus, a context menu (right mouse click), speed improvements, included nXML and AUCTeX, improved text display (international characters and proportional fonts), more compatibility with the core GNU Emacs, and an updated Emacs Manual. The "wrong command-p" bug has been fixed, and there are other changes.

Project Resources