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Projeto Descrição

Buck-Security is a security scanner for Debian and Ubuntu Linux. It helps you to harden your system by running some important security checks. For example, it finds world-writable files and directories, setuid and setgid programs, superuser accounts, and installed attack tool packages. It also checks your umask and checks if the sticky bit is set for /tmp, among other checks.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-06-16 21:18 Back to release list

Houve algumas mudanças maiores e menores nesta versão. Um novo cheque foi adicionado para verificar se há serviços de escuta. A produção foi melhorada com mais informação em menos espaço. Alguns arquivos obsoletos foram removidos. A seção FAQ foi adicionado ao site. A documentação foi atualizada. Muitos mais mudanças menores foram feitas.
Tags: Major
There have been some major and minor changes in this release. One new check was added to check for listening services. Output was improved with more information in less space. Some deprecated files were removed. A FAQ section was added to the Web site. The documentation was upgraded. Many more minor changes were made.

Project Resources