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Projeto Descrição

ccbuild is like a dynamic Makefile. ccbuild finds
all programs in the current directory (containing
"int main") and builds them. For this, it reads
the C++ sources and looks at all local and global
includes. All C++ files surrounding local includes
are considered objects for the main program. The
global includes lead to extra compiler arguments
using a configuration file. ccbuild splits these
arguments for compilation and linking, keeping the
linking arguments back for later use. It should
allow development without any scripting and only
simple reusable configuration. Deployment and
distribution should still be done with other
tools. It can create simple Makefiles, A-A-P
files, and graph dependencies using DOT (graphviz)

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-11-29 20:45 Back to release list

Esta versão adiciona o suporte multi-threading usando OpenMP, e utiliza um único alto-nível o diretório em vez da cache de um objeto por subdiretório. A saída de vários comandos mudou de acordo com estas alterações, que empurrou esta libertação para o controle de versões principais.
This release adds multi-threading support using OpenMP, and uses a single top-level o directory instead of an object cache per subdirectory. The output of various commands has changed in accordance with these changes, which pushed this release into the major versioning.

Project Resources