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Projeto Descrição

This module let users manage content pages for PHProjekt. It uses a directory-based model and role-based security. Features include file upload capabilities, a comment system, a search facility, and simple statistics generation.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-07-06 18:06 Back to release list

Os novos recursos incluem user-friendly da configuração, anúncios e conteúdo artigos menos, um syndication newsfeeds Manager, um gerenciador de arquivos melhorado, uma imagem do logotipo para cada artigo, e um editor WYSIWYG Mozilla-compatível. O verificador de consistência foi melhorada. Foi adicionado suporte para repositórios de partes do Windows. Integração com o Resumo das Phprojekt. Várias correções foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
New features include user-friendly configuration,
announcements, and content-less articles, a
syndication newsfeeds manager, an improved file
manager, a logo image for each article, and a
Mozilla-compatible WYSIWYG editor. The consistency
checker was improved. Support was added for
repositories in Windows shares. Integration with
the Summary of Phprojekt. Several bugfixes were

Project Resources