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Projeto Descrição

EJOE is a lightweight Java remoting framework built to send and receive objects through pluggable (de)serialization mechanisms. It offers a high-performance, simple, and clean object request broker (whereby ORB is meant in its natural manner and not in its relation with CORBA), with server and client components for your client/server applications. It's a highly scalable implementation of the common request-process-response pattern based on Java NIO. It does support optional remote class loading to avoid redundant classpath entries, but doesn't require stubs and/or proxy objects.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-03-22 23:00 Back to release list

Dois bugs críticos foram corrigidos: A crítica, consumindo tempo de bloqueio ocorreu em alguns sistemas. O componente do servidor não exigir que os pedidos para oferecer um circuito de aplicação para evitar a rescisão por chegar ao final do código. Esta versão também contém algumas melhorias, previsto inicialmente para o próximo grande lançamento, e é mais provável que a versão mais eficiente até à data.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Two critical bugs have been fixed: A critical, time consuming lock occurred on some systems. The server component doesn't require applications to offer an application loop to avoid termination by reaching the end of the code. This version also contains some enhancements originally planned for the next major release, and is most likely the most efficient version to date.

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