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The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer, SSVNC, adds encryption security to VNC connections. The package provides a GUI for Windows, MacOS X, and Unix that automatically starts up an STUNNEL SSL tunnel for SSL or ssh/plink for SSH connections to any VNC server and then launches the VNC Viewer to use the encrypted tunnel. On Unix and MacOS X, a VNC viewer with many new features is provided. The short name for this project is "ssvnc", for SSL/SSH VNC viewer.

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2009-12-29 03:56 Back to release list

Para as chaves do servidor VNC SSL assinado por uma Autoridade Certificadora (ou seja, não auto-assinado queridos), o usuário já está melhor informado sobre o que fazer para autenticar o servidor. Plugin de criptografia RSA UltraVNC baseada no 'SecureVNC' é suportada. A opção 'Sem criptografia é mostrada por padrão. Vncviewer O Unix fornece uma opção-AppShare para trabalhar com aplicação simples x11vnc do mecanismo de partilha. A per-profile arquivo knownhosts SSH está habilitado para acorrentado túneis SSH e acções similares a procuração.
Tags: Feature Enhancements
For VNC server SSL keys signed by a Certificate
Authority (i.e. not self-signed ones), the
user is now better informed on what to do to
authenticate the server. UltraVNC's RSA-based
encryption plugin 'SecureVNC' is supported.
The 'No Encryption' option is shown by default.
The Unix vncviewer provides an -appshare option
to work with x11vnc's simple application sharing
mechanism. A per-profile SSH knownhosts file
is enabled for chained SSH tunnels and similar
proxy schemes.

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