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Projeto Descrição

fk is an application proxy suite designed for building IP gateways. Ultimately, the intent is to provide a free software replacement for the TIS firewall toolkit.

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2001-01-30 15:12 Back to release list

Uma fraqueza semântica nas ferramentas LCA e alguns bugs embaraçoso no proxy ftp foram corrigidos. Tipo de transferência e restrições porta para o proxy ftp foram implementadas (tamanho realmente funciona agora). Esta versão também apresenta alguns auditoria correção inicial e remoção de aborta inesperado.
A semantic weakness in the ACL tools and some embarassing bugs in the ftp proxy have been fixed. Transfer type and port restrictions for the ftp proxy have been implemented (SIZE really works now). This release also features some initial correctness auditing and removal of unexpected aborts.

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