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Projeto Descrição

Freeside is an open-source billing and trouble ticketing package for ISPs, VoIP, hosting, service, and content providers, and other online businesses.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-14 21:54 Back to release list

Esta versão inclui um novo recurso para o preenchimento de modelos de mensagens, acessórios para VoIP faturamento e layout da fatura, o Formulário FCC melhorou 477 relatório e outras melhorias, relatórios e uma série de correções de bugs e melhorias.
This release includes a new feature for fill-in message templates, enhancements to VoIP billing and invoice layout, an improved FCC Form 477 report and other reporting enhancements, and a number of other bug fixes and improvements.

Project Resources