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Projeto Descrição

Genson is a lightweight Java library for doing conversion between JSON and Java. It provides full databinding and Java generics support. Genson's main goals are to come with rich features out of the box, great performance and scalability, and easy ways to add new features.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-08 10:37 Back to release list

Esta versão adiciona suporte a impressão muito, spring mvc integração, alguns novos conversores de padrão, a capacidade para serializar/desserializar datas como tempo em millis e localização global de erros/exceções reforçada em riachos.
Tags: Release
This release adds
pretty printing support,
spring mvc integration,
some new default
the ability to serialize/deserialize dates as time in millis,
and overall enhanced exceptions/error location in streams.

Project Resources