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Projeto Descrição

The GLIPS Graffiti editor is a cross-platform SVG
graphics editor based on Batik and developed by
ITRIS. It features shape tools (rectangles,
circles, ellipses, lines, polygons, and
polylines), path tools (Bezier curves, conversion
to a path, union, subtraction, and intersection),
basic text support, and image import (SVG or
Bitmap). Supported transformations are translate,
resize, rotate, and skew. A property manager is
available for each object, and a resource manager
takes care of gradients, patterns, markers, and
filters. It requires Java VM 1.4.1 or higher. It
is a part of the GLIPS Project, which aims to be a
PLC cross-platform development environment.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-01-14 20:07 Back to release list

A impressão é agora disponível. Arrastar e soltar pode ser usada para preencher uma forma com uma cor ou um recurso simplesmente arrastando uma cor do botão de cor da barra de ferramentas para a tela, ou arrastando um ícone de recursos para a tela. Edição do grupo agora é suportada. O código-fonte foi limpa. Muitos erros foram corrigidos.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Printing is now available. Drag and drop can be used to fill a shape with a color or a resource by simply dragging a color from the toolbar color button to the canvas, or by dragging for a resource icon to the canvas. Group editing is now supported. The source code has been cleaned up. Many bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources