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Projeto Descrição

GMAMEUI is a front-end for MAME on Linux. It helps the user play and configure arcade games more easily. GMAMEUI is an enhancement of GXMame, fixing a number of long-standing bugs, including adding support for SDLMame in preference over the now-obsolete X-MAME. New UI features were also added.

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2008-05-15 22:41 Back to release list

Um bug que causou ROMs para não ser filtrada em filtro de categorias de disponibilidade foi corrigido. Código de limpeza foi feito. Código redundante foi removido. Alguns compilar / executar avisos de GTK tempo foram fixados melhorias. Desempenho na partida foram feitas.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug which caused ROMs not to be filtered in
availability filter categories was fixed. Code
cleanup was done. Redundant code was removed. Some
compile/run-time GTK warnings were fixed.
Performance improvements on startup were made.

Project Resources