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Projeto Descrição

The GNU Gatekeeper is a free H.323 gatekeeper based on the OpenH323 project. You can use it to manage a Voice-over-IP network and let endpoints (e.g., Netmeeting) communicate through symbolic names. It also has an external interface for billing and other applications. It runs on a number of Unix versions (including Linux and Solaris) and Windows.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-07-26 23:10 Back to release list

Esta versão tem uma série de novas funcionalidades, bem como algumas correções de bugs importantes. Os mais importantes novidades estão trabalhando suporte LDAP (H.350), melhor verificação do arquivo de configuração, e SSH apoio para a porta de status. A correção da falha mais importante é uma reescrita da lógica de detecção H.460.19 porta.
Tags: LDAP ssh firewall traversal H.460.19
This release has a number of new features as well as a few important bug fixes. The most important new features are working LDAP support (H.350), better checking of the configuration file, and SSH support for the status port. The most important bug fix is a rewrite of the H.460.19 port detection logic.

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