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Projeto Descrição

GNU Parted is a package for creating, destroying, resizing, checking, and copying partitions and the file systems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, copying data between hard disks, and disk imaging. It contains a library, libparted, and a command-line frontend, parted, which also serves as a sample implementation and script backend.

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2007-08-10 08:02 Back to release list

O software está licenciado sob a versão 3 da GPL. Bugs foram corrigidos no partido e partprobe com a adição de um - dry-run opção para partprobe. Leitura / gravação foram feitas melhorias para BSD, Amiga e rótulos de discos DASD. A estrutura de testes foi melhorado. Vazamentos de memória foram corrigidos. Criação de sistemas de arquivos EXT2 foi corrigido. O suporte inicial foi adicionado para 2K tamanhos de setor lógico para rótulos de disco MSDOS.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The software is now licensed under version 3 of
the GPL. Bugs were fixed in parted and partprobe
with the addition of a --dry-run option to
partprobe. Read/write improvements were made for
BSD, Amiga, and DASD disk labels. The testing
framework was improved. Memory leaks were fixed.
Ext2 fs creation was fixed. Initial support was
added for 2K logical sector sizes for MSDOS disk

Project Resources