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Projeto Descrição

HSC (HTML Sucks Completely) is a developer tool for HTML projects. It is mainly intended for creating and maintaining larger Web sites, with a focus on compact and standards-conforming code. Its source texts are HTML files that use an extended syntax allowing for macros, conditionals, variables, expressions, etc. These sources are transformed into static (X)HTML pages. HSC checks the result for many common errors such as missing end tags and nesting mistakes, both in the markup and, to a limited extent, in CSS. As a commandline tool, it can be used together with "make", and a dependency generator is included. The macro library features things like navigation menus, LaTeX-style sections, footnotes and bibliographies, semiautomatic table-based layout, and database/scripting interfaces.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-09-18 12:12 Back to release list

Este será o último lançamento antes do 1.0. Esta versão traz melhorias de desempenho menor, operadores de expressões regulares, container melhor controlo do assentamento, e um analisador completo de valores de CSS. Alguns bugs na manipulação de arquivos de projeto e funções AmigaOS foram corrigidos. A documentação foi totalmente reformulado para facilitar a navegação e melhor aparência devido a CSS. Um arquivo (preliminar) ebuild para o Gentoo Linux agora está incluído.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This will be the last release before 1.0. This
release features minor performance improvements,
regular expression operators, improved container
nesting checks, and a complete parser for CSS
values. A few bugs in the handling of project
files and AmigaOS functions have been fixed. The
documentation has been completely overhauled for
easier navigation and better looks due to CSS. A
(preliminary) ebuild file for Gentoo Linux is now

Project Resources