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Projeto Descrição

ht://Miner is a system for Web usage mining and
data warehousing that allows for the discovery of
knowledge from data (KDD) regarding usage on the
Web, such as unique visitors, sessions, and
transactions. This information is then organized
in the PostgreSQL RDMBS.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-12-05 12:35 Back to release list

Esta versão compila no G + + 4.x. Geração Doxygen foi corrigido e as páginas de homem e de uma página tutorial foram adicionados. O gestor de OLTP agora as características de criação de índice automático. Um erro com o arquivo XML de codificação no Hierarchy Manager foi corrigido. O carregador de Armazém agora inclui um script Perl que organiza dados OLTP para o depósito da primeira fase. A opção '-U' para atualizar os pontos de vista UNIÃO dos fatos foi adicionado. O Custom Armazém quadro agora tem dia de gestão tabela. Local de gestão da biblioteca GeoIP foi adicionado.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release compiles on G++ 4.x. Doxygen generation was fixed and man pages and a tutorial page were added. The OLTP loader now features automatic index creation. A bug with XML file encoding in the Hierarchy Manager was fixed. The Warehouse loader now includes a Perl script that organizes OLTP data into the first stage warehouse. A '-U' option for updating the UNION views of the facts was added. The Custom Warehouse Framework now has days table management. Location management from the GeoIP library was added.

Project Resources