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Husk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language for the Haskell Platform. Advanced R5RS features are provided, including continuations, hygienic macros, and a full numeric tower.

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2011-11-12 01:24 Back to release list

Esta versão adiciona o suporte de higiene macro primeiro para escalpar. Há dois "lados": higiene e transparência referencial. Foi adicionado suporte para ambos os lados, embora existam alguns problemas, como observado na versão 3.4. x Marcos. Suporte a macro continuará a melhorar no futuro lançamentos. Existem algumas correções de erros.
This release adds the first hygienic macro support to husk. There are two "sides": hygiene and referential transparency. Support has been added for both sides, although there are some issues as noted in the Version 3.4.x Milestones. Macro support will continue to improve in future releases. There are some bugfixes.

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