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Projeto Descrição

j-Interop is a Java Open Source library (under
LGPL) that implements the DCOM wire protocol
(MSRPC) to enable development of Pure, Bi-
Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can
interoperate with any COM component. The
implementation is itself purely in Java and does not
use Java Native Interface (JNI) to provide COM
access. This allows the library to be used from any
Non-Windows platform. It comes with pre-
implemented packages for automation. This
includes support for IDispatch, ITypeInfo, and
ITypeLib. For more flexibility (in the cases where
automation is not supported), it provides an API
set to directly invoke operations on a COM server.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-02-09 00:54

Major bugs foram corrigidos em relação a memória e gerenciamento de sessão. O JIVariant (Object) e JIVariant (Object, Boolean) ctors foram removidos. O JISession.createSession () método foi introduzido. Isso não exige as credenciais do usuário e usa as credenciais do "logged in" do usuário. É nativo e só funciona no Windows com apenas NTLMv1. A caminho da biblioteca Java utilizando-D "java.library.path" deve ser definido para apontar para "NTLMAuth.dll", que está disponível com o projeto jTDS (
Major bugs were fixed regarding memory and session management. The JIVariant(Object) and JIVariant(Object, boolean) ctors have been removed. The JISession.createSession() method was introduced. This does not require any user credentials and uses the credentials of the "logged-in" user. It is native and works only on Windows with NTLMv1 only. The Java library path using -D"java.library.path" must be set to point to "NTLMAuth.dll", which is available with the jTDS project (

2009-12-14 02:55

NTLMv2 de segurança foi introduzido. Uma questão OOM devido a inadequada exploração madeireira foi corrigido.
NTLMv2 security has been introduced. An OOM issue due to improper logging has been fixed.

2009-05-01 21:58

Esta versão corrige liberação de referências com mais de uma vez durante a GC pela biblioteca, o que causou o "servidor RPC foi desconectado" exceção. Há uma ou duas outras pequenas correções.
This release fixes releasing of COM references more than once during
GC by the library, which caused the "RPC server has disconnected"
exception. There are one or two other minor fixes.

2009-02-12 01:16

A comparação foi feita com as especificações publicadas MS DCOM e quaisquer diferenças que podem ser encontrados foram conciliados. Claro, j-Interop não aplicar integralmente o recurso Bi-direcional, para as partes do protocolo ter sido deixado de fora.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A comparison has been made with the published MS DCOM specifications and any differences that could be found were reconciled. Of course, j-Interop does not fully implement the Bi-Directional feature, so those parts of the protocol have been left out.

2009-01-27 23:24
2.04 (RC 8)

Esta queda corrige problemas relacionados com a contagem de referência feita pela biblioteca para cada objeto COM. É altamente recomendável para se deslocar para esta versão, logo que o tempo permite.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This drop fixes issues related to reference
counting done by the library for each COM object.
It is highly recommended to move to this release
as soon as time permits.

Project Resources