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Projeto Descrição

Java Clazz Utils is a Java class file manipulation utility. It includes a viewer for Java classes (with all JVM-specific information) and Java decompiler.

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2009-04-27 04:00 Back to release list

Alguns bugs foram corrigidos cosméticos na GUI. Reusage variável local para as variáveis de parâmetro do método foi corrigido. Comparação com zero e um sinal de comparação incorretos foram corrigidos. Alguns problemas descompilação com informações de depuração foram corrigidos. A GUI tem melhorado significativamente.
Some cosmetics bugs were fixed in the GUI. Local variable reusage for method parameter variables has been fixed. Comparison with zero and an incorrect comparison sign have been fixed. Some decompilation problems with debug info have been fixed. The GUI has been significantly improved.

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