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Projeto Descrição

JInto is a plugin for Eclipse that lets the
developer easily edit and maintain resource
bundles (files that hold the localized strings for
an application). It features parallel editing of
all language versions (side by side), warnings
when no text has been provided for a specific key,
or when the text for one key is identical for
different languages, and a search wizard to locate
unused strings (strings that are referenced, but
not actually defined in the resource bundle). It
has been tested under Windows and Linux.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2009-01-15 19:21 Back to release list

Características Código Assist (autocompletar para chaves e QuickAssist para acrescentar novas chaves on the fly) foram adicionados ea IU Pesquisa foi redesenhado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Code Assist features (AutoCompletion for keys and QuickAssist for adding new keys on the fly) have been added and the Search UI has been redesigned.

Project Resources