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Projeto Descrição

KForge is a stable, enterprise application for project hosting. KForge provisions project services on-demand and controls access with a robust, role-based, single sign-on access controller. Project services include version control systems (e.g. Git, Mercurial, Subversion); project frameworks with mechanisms to plan and track work (e.g. Trac); wikis and mailing lists (e.g. MoinMoin, Mailman); and content management systems and blogs (e.g. Joomla, Wordpress). KForge also provides a complete Web interface for administration of project members and services, as well as a fully-developed plugin system so that new kinds of services can be added easily.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-11-08 03:03 Back to release list

Novos plugins foram adicionados para Git e Joomla. Os feeds para as mudanças "recentes" de novos projectos são agregados. KForge agora suporta o uso de Git, Subversion, Mercurial e serviços com os serviços de Trac. Um instalador novo e melhorado guia de instalação foram adicionados, com suporte para executar KForge em um ambiente isolado Python virtual. Suporte a caracteres especiais foi corrigido. KForge agora é compatível com todas as versões recentes estável de suas dependências (Django <= 1,1, sqlobject <= 0.12.0). O desempenho foi muito melhorada. Tratamento de erros foi melhorado. O arquivo de configuração é muito mais agradável.
New plugins were added for Git and Joomla. The feeds for the "recent changes" of new projects are aggregated. KForge now supports using Git, Subversion, and Mercurial services with Trac services. A new installer and improved install guide were added, with support for running KForge in an isolated virtual Python environment. Special character support has been fixed. KForge is now compatible with all recent stable versions of its dependencies (django <= 1.1, sqlobject <= 0.12.0). Performance has been greatly improved. Error handling has been enhanced. The configuration file is much nicer.

Project Resources