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Projeto Descrição

Lbzip2 is a parallel, SMP-based, bzip2-compatible compression utility, with a commandline resembling that of the original bzip2. It is usable both on its own and as a filter passed to GNU tar with the "--use-compress-program" option. It uses Gnulib, and its building and testing process is managed by the GNU build system. Starting with release 2.0, lbzip2 is independent of libbz2 and features yambi, an independent BWT compression stack with improved speed and robustness.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-11-24 08:36

Esta versão corrige uma vulnerabilidade de segurança de uso após livre introduzida na versão 2.0. Todos os usuários são recomendados para atualizar para a versão 2.1.
Tags: Security bugfixes
This release fixes a use-after-free security vulnerability introduced in version 2.0. All users are recommended to update to version 2.1.

2011-11-05 07:23

In this release, lbzip2 writes a single compressed stream per bz2 file instead of multiple concatenated streams. It doesn't decompress streams embedded within trailing garbage. It detects and rejects more kinds of invalid bz2 files. Relying on the independent bzip2 stack written by the new maintainer, lbzip2-2.0 features significantly improved (de)compression speed and robustness. In verbose mode, the compression ratio and progress information is displayed for each file. Decompression failures result in more detailed messages now. Lbzip2-2.x is licensed under the GPL v3.0 or any later version.
Tags: Development, Alpha, 2.x, Major feature enhancements, Major bugfixes

2010-03-03 16:48

Nesta versão, se lbzip2 pretende sair com o estatuto de 1 devido a um erro fatal, mas qualquer SIGPIPE ou SIGXFSZ com uma ação SIG_DFL herdado foi gerado para lbzip2 anteriormente, então lbzip2 termina por meio de um dos referidos sinais, após a limpeza de qualquer arquivo de saída interrompido. Isso deve melhorar a compatibilidade com o GNU tar quando ele gera lbzip2 como um filtro e fecha o pipe entre eles cedo, antes que ele recebe um EOF de lbzip2.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
In this release, if lbzip2 intends to exit with status 1 due to any fatal error, but any SIGPIPE or SIGXFSZ with an inherited SIG_DFL action was generated for lbzip2 previously, then lbzip2 terminates by way of one of the said signals, after cleaning up any interrupted output file. This should improve compatibility with GNU tar when it spawns lbzip2 as a filter and closes the pipe between them early, before it receives an EOF from lbzip2.

2010-02-18 11:00

Código exame revelou que lbzip2-0,18 introduziu uma corrida entre as duas seguintes caminhos de código: o segmento muxer exibe uma mensagem de erro quando encontra um erro de escrita, e no segmento principal, em preparação para finalizar o processo, liberta o nome do arquivo de saída após um INT ou sinal TERM é entregue a ele. Esse bug teve a chance de ocorrer insignificante, mas era fixo, no entanto.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Code examination revealed that lbzip2-0.18 introduced a race between the following two code paths: the muxer thread displays an error message when it encounters a write error; and the main thread, in preparation to terminate the process, frees the output file name after an INT or TERM signal is delivered to it. This bug had a negligible chance to occur, but it was fixed nonetheless.

2009-12-29 04:04

Esta versão limpa dois problemas de portabilidade teórica. Verificar o arquivo de entrada de sanidade no múltiplo descompactador trabalhadores invocado constantes de caracteres a ser codificado em ASCII; constantes de caracteres, tais foram substituídas por seus valores de octeto ASCII. "Flexível" membros da matriz foram substituídos por regiões de memória sem nome na sequência das estruturas afectadas, uma vez que a "estrutura hack" expressão implica um comportamento indefinido no C89.
Tags: Code cleanup
This release cleans up two theoretical portability problems. The input file's sanity check in the multiple-workers decompressor relied on character constants being encoded in ASCII; such character constants were replaced by their ASCII octet values. "Flexible" array members were replaced by unnamed memory regions following the affected structures, since the "struct hack" idiom entails undefined behavior in C89.

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