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Projeto Descrição

LGI is a lightweight GUI library and application
framework. It supports cross-platform widgets, threads,
Unicode, a multi-language resource file in XML (with
graphical editor), drag and drop, common dialogs,
network support with implementations of common
protocols, and an HTML control.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-11-18 11:20 Back to release list

Esta versão adicionou o suporte dica e um cursor lado, acelerar o processamento de texto, acrescentou mais documentação em HTML, e corrigidos alguns problemas de tela de atualização no controle de edição. O algoritmo de layout da tabela HTML foi reescrito, uma drag and drop bug foi corrigido eo objeto Gfile foi melhorada para lidar com arquivos maiores que 2 GB. O Repertório agora trabalha com arquivos de entre 2 e 4 GB corretamente. O suporte a PNG transparência foi fixado, suporte cabeçalho sniffing foi adicionado ao gestor de imagem, e GSocketImpl:: Accept foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This version added tooltip support and a hand cursor, sped up the rendering of text, added more HTML documentation, and fixed some screen update issues in the edit control. The HTML table layout algorithm was rewritten, a drag and drop bug was fixed, and the GFile object was improved to handle files larger than 2 GB. The directory code now works with files of between 2 and 4 GB correctly. PNG transparency support was fixed, header sniffing support was added to the image loader, and GSocketImpl::Accept was fixed.

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