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Projeto Descrição

ghli is GPMI's Highlevel Language Interpreter, developed to operate
under GPMI, though it works as a standalone script interpreter as well.
It features a byte code interpreter with complex instructions for high
level languages, a framework to ease implementing precompilers, a Pascal
precompiler, and an Assembly precompiler. It aims to be small, fast,
and flexible. The number of core instructions are very limited while it
offers a simple interface so the host application can register its own
extension commands easily.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-07-04 13:39 Back to release list

Script Pascal não é case sensitive mais, e estilo para o ciclo pascal traz expressões em vez de constantes. Relatórios de erro é limpo de modo que cada rotina retorna unificado erros de execução. Tipo moldes foram em Pascal. Para example_app, - memstat é adicionado, que faz uso da memória e estatísticas de tempo de execução. Todos os vazamentos de memória encontrados até agora foram limpos.
Tags: Code cleanup
Pascal scripting is not case sensitive anymore, and pascal-style
for cycle takes expressions instead of constants. Error
reporting is cleaned up so that every routine returns unified
runtime errors. Type casts were in Pascal. For example_app, --
memstat is added, which does memory usage and runtime
statistics. All the memory leaks found so far were cleaned up.

Project Resources