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Projeto Descrição

The Linux Virtual Server Project is a project to cluster many real servers together into a highly available, high-performance virtual server. The LVS load balancer handles connections from clients and passes them on the the real servers (so-called Layer 4 switching) and can virtualize almost any TCP or UDP service, like HTTP, HTTPS, NNTP, FTP, DNS, ssh, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, etc. It is fully transparent to the client accessing the virtual service.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-05-22 15:35 Back to release list

O pedaço de código terrível que inicializado o sltimer_jiffies jiffies com o sistema, que foi adicionado na versão 1.0.8, foi removido. O módulo de agendamento Shortest Expected Delay eo módulo de agendamento Never Queue foram portados para trás de IPVS 1.1.5.
Tags: IPVS for kernel 2.4, Major bugfixes
The terrible piece of code which initialized the sltimer_jiffies with the system jiffies, which was added in version 1.0.8, was removed. The Shortest Expected Delay scheduling module and the Never Queue scheduling module were ported back from IPVS 1.1.5.

Project Resources