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Projeto Descrição

LogicalDOC is a Web-based document management system that is easy to use and learn. Its architecture leverages best-of-breed Java technology to achieve a powerful and flexible solution. It supports its users with a powerful search engine (Lucene), Web service interface (JAX-WS via CXF) compatible with .NET and PHP, versioning, annotation on documents, a WebDAV interface, importing and exporting from .zip files. Documents can be organized into hierarchical folders, searched using the integrated search engine, or browsed by Tag. The system is extensible thanks to the technologies used (Spring-Hibernate) and its plugin architecture.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-06 23:24 Back to release list

Os novos recursos incluem um sistema de classificação de documentos, a capacidade de enviar vários documentos por e-mail como anexos ou arquivos zip, suporte holandês completo, a capacidade de mover documentos entre pastas com drag'n'drop, e suporte a RTL na língua árabe. Usuários esquecendo suas senhas, agora podem enviar e-mail o administrador para obter ajuda. As melhorias foram feitas para a extração de texto a partir de formulários em PDF e extração de metadados de arquivos de imagem. A configuração do anúncio é guardado para os quadros importantes. As etiquetas podem ser especificados para campos personalizados em modelos. A dependência Jackrabbit foi atualizado para 1.6.4. A incapacidade de salvar quando a adição de várias marcas foi corrigido.
Tags: Stable, Minor Release, Dutch translation, GUI improvements
New features include a document rating system, the ability to send multiple documents by email as attachments or zip files, full Dutch support, the ability to move documents between folders with drag'n'drop, and RTL support in the Arabic language. Users forgetting their passwords can now email the administrator for help. Improvements were made for extraction of text from PDF forms and metadata extraction from image files. The listing configuration is saved for important tables. Labels can be specified for custom fields on templates. The Jackrabbit dependency was upgraded to 1.6.4. The inability to save when adding multiple tags was fixed.

Project Resources