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Projeto Descrição

The Magic Notebook is a CGI script which allows the user to store and organize notes in as many topics
as are desired. Uses include contact information, to do lists, lists of books to read, status
information for different projects, a list of "things to do when thus-and-such happens", keeping track
of things you need to tell people, and for the advanced user an editable quote of the day. The Magic
Notebook is intended to give Webmasters a new attraction with little extra work.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-11-05 02:48 Back to release list

Esta é a primeira versão estável. Um erro que impediu a criação da conta foi corrigido. Um protetor contra a corrupção arquivo foi adicionado. Um acidente, ao receber um nome de conta inválida foi corrigido. A política de privacidade defeito foi corrigido. O fundo foi aprimorada para tornar o texto mais fácil de ler. A habilidade para sair da sessão foi adicionado.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
This is the first stable release. A bug that prevented account creation has been fixed. A guard against file corruption has been added. A crash upon receiving an invalid account name has been fixed. The default privacy policy has been fixed. The background has been improved to make text easier to read. The ability to log out has been added.

Project Resources