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Projeto Descrição

MP3c is a curses-based audio CD-to-MP3/OGG converter with CDDB support. It can be used in an interactive menu environment or a batch mode which lets you encode automatically. MP3c tries to find the most useful information in a CDDB entry, and even recognizes sampler CDs correctly. It is very configurable and can be used with every available encoder, ripper, and tag editor. It is available in different languages (currently English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, and German).

System Requirements

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2004-04-16 20:11 Back to release list

Suporte Ogg foi melhorada (escolhendo compilados em padrões). Não existe um melhor tratamento para os espaços em nomes de arquivos. Algumas questões de portabilidade e um punhado de pequenos bugs foram corrigidos (incluindo a criação de roteiro e lote o manipulador de SMTP).
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Ogg support has been improved (by choosing compiled-in defaults). There is better handling for spaces in filenames. Some portability issues and a handful of minor bugs have been fixed (including batch script creation and the SMTP handler).

Project Resources