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Projeto Descrição

MuseScore lets you notate and compose music easily with your keyboard, your mouse, or a MIDI keyboard. You can print beautifully engraved sheet music or export it as PDF or PNG. You can play your score, transpose it, and save it as audio or MIDI file. MuseScore also supports MusicXML to let you share your composition with other scorewriters. MuseScore is often advertised as a cost effective alternative for Sibelius and Finale.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-02-05 21:52 Back to release list

Esta é a primeira versão estável para Mac OS X 10.4 ou superior. Pontuações podem ser salvos como arquivos de som WAV, OGG, FLAC ou formato. Plugins podem ser usados e criados. Observa que estão fora do alcance do arremesso de um instrumento são marcados em amarelo para amadores e em vermelho para os profissionais. Mais de 30 falhas foram corrigidas.
This is the first stable release for Mac OS X 10.4 and above. Scores can be saved as sound files in WAV, OGG, or FLAC format. Plugins can be used and created. Notes that are out of the pitch range for an instrument are now marked in yellow for amateurs and in red for professionals. Over 30 crashes were fixed.

Project Resources