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Projeto Descrição

My Photo Gallery is a Web-based photo gallery that also supports non-image filetypes. It is easy to setup and even easier to maintain. Slick-looking image galleries and thumbnails are generated on the fly from any root directory that you specify. Albums can be created using the included Web-based adiminstration tool or by creating a directory and copying your pictures and files to that directory. A Web administration interface is available to help add descriptions, rename images, rotate images (losslessly), and more. It includes advanced features such as image logging, renaming, resizing, image rotation, smilies, and visitor comments. Unlimited filetypes may be recognized, and custom images for them can be displayed in your galleries, allowing you to archive MP3s, MPEGs, AVIs, etc.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-06-04 06:30 Back to release list

Uma nova análise de dados EXIF onlw sistema que mostra os dados EXIF presente trabalho foi implementado. Para reduzir o tamanho e os tempos de carregamento da página, os dados EXIF e miniaturas incorporados são removidos de miniaturas e redimensionar imagens, uma vez que não são necessários (EXIF dados são exibidos no original). Várias páginas são agora suportadas para diretórios com grande número de fotos. Muitos bugs foram corrigidos, incluindo um problema de caminho para os servidores Windows, problemas jpegtran com espaços no nome do arquivo, faltando imagens, e suporte para sobreposição nas miniaturas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
A new EXIF data parsing system that onlw shows the present EXIF data was implemented. To reduce file size and page load times, the EXIF data and embedded thumbnails are removed from thumbnails and resized images since they are not needed (EXIF data is displayed from the original). Multiple pages are now supported for directories with large numbers of pictures. Many bugs were fixed, including a path issue for Windows servers, jpegtran problems with spaces in the filenames, missing images, and overlay support on thumbnails.

Project Resources